Halloween At The Ministry

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Halloween At The Ministry

The hallways of the Ministry were decorated with orange and green paper chains, the white candelabras lamps glowed red. The scent of sweet incense drifted throughout the unholy church, a couple of lit carved pumpkins sat in a dark doorway. Paper bats and spiders hung from most of the stain glass windows, the unholy church was showing it's true face. It was late in the evening, the Clergy employees were winding down. The working day was now over, but the night was just beginning. The spooky hour was yet to come, it was time to greet All Hallows' Eve.

Copia hurried down the hallway with a medium sized pumpkin in his arms, there was a carved rat on it's smooth surface. He had been carving pumpkins with the ghouls this evening in the chapel. They had made a mess and left their carving knives behind, the guts of the pumpkins lay before the alter. But the mess would be dealt with later, there was a party being held at this wicked place. Eerie music echoed down one of the many hallways of the Ministry, the unholy church was alive with spooky activities. Finally finding the hallway where the party was being held Copia stopped dead in his tracks, he was greeted by a wondrous sight. A long table sat in the middle of the hallway, it was covered with a black lace tablecloth. There was a bowl of bright green punch in the middle of the table, crimson coloured glass cups surrounded it. A tray of chocolate apples, bowls of potato chips, spooky jelly spiders, bread sticks, pumpkin pie and prosciutto di parma were laid out on the table top. Many delicious treats and savoury foods, it was a sinful delight.

" There you are, Cardi!"

Copia's thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice, his mismatched eyes soon found the person he seeked. Sister Imperator smiled lovingly at him, he soon hurried over to join her. But she wasn't alone, the old guy was with her. Papa Nihil's smile soon faded, he wasn't too pleased to see the boy. Even in death he was miserable and grumpy, his afterlife was bound to the Ministry until he had completed his unfinished business. Approaching his Clergy family there was a little skip in his step, he did enjoy the parties the Ministry threw on special occasions. Halloween and the Krampus celebrations were his favourite holidays at the unholy church, he couldn't wait to join the All Hallows' Eve shenanigans.

" Hello, Sister." Copia said before he paused for a moment. " Papa, it's very good to see you here."

" Cardinal..." Papa sighed.

" Now what have you been up to, little C?" Sister asked.

" I have been carving pumpkins with the ghouls." Copia replied, he showed his pumpkin to his superior. " It's very spooky, yes?"

" What is it meant to be?" Sister asked. 

" It looks like a dog." Papa said.

" I can see a cat..." Sister said.

" No, it's definitely a dog." Papa said.

" It's meant to be a rat, but I messed up..." Copia said.

" That's meant to be a rat?" Papa asked, he crossed his arms with a smug expression on his face. " It looks awful!" 

" Oh Papa, it's not that bad!" Sister said before she touched Copia's arm. " He tried his best, I think it's very spooky. Well done, Cardi."

" Aaaawww, thank you very much." Copia said.

" Why don't you go and place it with the other pumpkins." Sister said with a smile. " There's a pumpkin carving competition being held later, you could win a little something if you're lucky."

" A little somethin' somethin', huh?" Copia asked.

" If you're lucky." Sister said. 

Sister gave Copia a wink, he knew she would pull a couple of strings to make sure he came out on top. She had always made sure he had everything he needed since he was a little boy, she was his guardian devil after all. He looked around the hallway, he soon spotted the pumpkins Sister had told him about. There were pumpkins of all sizes lined up against the wall of the hallway. Some had silly faces carved into their smooth surfaces while others had claw marks scratched into them, there was one pumpkin with a cooked sausage stuck on it with a piece of duct tape. Copia was about to venture forward, but the flicking lights stopped him in his tracks. A cold breeze drifted along the hallway, the ghouls and ghoulettes cautiously growled when the music began to distraught. Something unseen lurked amongst the shadows, the walls creaked and the sounds of scurrying footsteps echoed against the hallway's tiled floor. A loud crashing sound disturbed the silence, a high pitched scream echoed down the hallway before the lights turned back on. The hallway was silent, the ghouls and ghoulettes soon settled down. The music returned to it's normal state. Papa Nihil approached Sister, he looked concerned for his former lover and companion. His ghostly hand traced down the outline of her arm, he was showing her affection in his own way.

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