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Chapter three 

Present time

Ricky pov 

I had a interview to work for a record label nearby today so I got dressed in jeans, a hoodie, and converse. I go downstairs to find my dad still asleep in his room so I grab a apple and head ouf the door 

Nini pov 

I get out of work at about 3:00 and start walking to my car. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going and ran into someone and we both ended up on the ground he immediately got up and hurried to me to make sure I was okay 

"Omg I am so sorry I should've been looking where I was goin-." Wait who was that? I recognized that voice.  I looked up to see Ricky staring at me. "Nini!?"He asked. "Omg Ricky!" I said while I hugged him he helped me up and made sure I was okay. "What are you doing here?" I asked 

"I moved back yesterday. I am going to be interviewed. Wait do you work here?" He asked.  "Yeah I do I've been working here for almost a year now." "Well we need to catch up soon. Maybe lunch tomorrow?" "That would be gr-" I got cut off by my phone ringing. I pulled it out and saw that it was my boyfriend Ethan. I silenced it thinking "I'll call him back later tonight" "Who was that?" Ricky asked me. It was my boyfriend I'll call him back later. Ricky looked a little  hurt and after that it was awkward. "Well it was nice seeing you again" he said "yeah it was." I replied 

"See you tomorrow!""bye" "bye" I said. I walked to my car and got un still stunned by what happened. After about 5 minutes of spacing out I started my car( yes I forgot to start it when I got in) and drove to Ejs house for dinner 

3 hours later 

"WHAT?"Gina yelled after I told her what happened. "OMG SHUSH YOUR CHILD IS ASLEEP!" I whisper-shouted "what happened?"Ej asked quietly 

"NINI RAN INTO RICKY TODAY!" Gina yelled a little quieter "Shush,"I said "you will wake up your child. Then she will scream and cry and Ej and I will laugh while you put her back to sleep." "Okay but how are you not freaking out?" "Because I have a new boyfriend now, remember?" "I do" Ej said under his breath 

"What?" I asked because I couldn't hear him. " i said I remember your horrible boyfriend who doesn't treat you well, forgets dates, and can't even remember your birthday!" Ej said.  Gina sat next to I'm and caressed his arm to calm him down. He took a deep breath before resuming "He  just isn't good enough for you. I wish you would see that before its too late." I wish I could tell Ej that I know he isn't good but I just can't only Gina can know. Its a risk for her to know too I don't want Ethan to find out and hurt her too. "Well Nini there was a reason that we had you come over tonight." Gina said smiling then looked at Ej "OMG ARE YOU PREGNANT?" I whisper yelled cause I don't want to wake up Maddie. " Close I guess. We are having twins!" Gina says excitedly "REALLY?" I yell forgetting about Maddie "shush don't wake up our child!" Ej says in a mocking voice while Gina nods her head. We both get up and hug each other crying. 

I go home 2 hours later at around 9:30 and call Ethan back Ethan picks up 

"WHERE WERE YOU?" He yells. 

" I was at work then ate dinner with Ej and Gina" 


"My brother and my sister in law which you would know if you actually cared about me instead of using me for money" I reply annoyed 

"Do they know?" He asked less loud but still angry 

"No, no one knows" I lie

"You better not be lying to me."

" I'm not." 

"Okay, I am coming over tomorrow and we are going out. Also we need to make sure the press sees us to stir up drama" 

"Fine whatever." I say dryly 

"Goodbye." He says 

"Bye." I say before hanging up 

I get ready for bed and climb in. I watch a show then cry myself to sleep with the curly haired brunette never leaving my mind. 

Hello everyone 

So how was this chapter?

I finally got drama in the story!!!

Qotd what's your fave food?

Mine is green chili chicken casserole If you haven't have it I HIGHLY recommend it 

Thank all of you guys so much I love you so much❤❤❤ 

779 words

Anyone Else- A Rini au *completed*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें