The huge luggage bags were scattered throughout the foyer as my parents started making their way to their bedroom to unpack and rest. I took my phone out to check if any of my friends replied back from my text last night. I decided to share with them the news that Rosen and I were officially dating, and was anxious to see how they'd react. I wasn't quite sure how I would bring it up to my parents, as it had been a while since I had dated someone. I also would have to text my sister Mia, since she liked hearing about my love life. She was taking a summer course at her college in California, and wouldn't be returning home until the last month of the summer.

Ara: OMG!!! I'm so Happy for you!

Lynn: Finally!

Abby: Yay Ellie!!

I smiled at the messages, typing back my thanks. The guys would have to find out some other way, because there was no way I would text them just to tell them I was dating somebody.

"Alright, well I vote we go out for dinner in town tonight," My mom said, coming into the living room and collapsing on the couch. I gathered up my plate of crackers, carefully placing them on the coffee table before joining her.

"Sounds like a plan to me," I said, my mouth watering at the idea of going out to eat. I went up to my room to change into something more appropriate for going out to eat. after changing into a simple cotton dress, I slipped my converse on and grabbed my bag, going back down the stairs.

My mom was helping my dad smooth his sweater out, before she applied a thin layer of dark pink lip gloss to her thin lips. I rolled my eyes as I headed past them, and out into our family car. I sat in the backseat, texting my friends as my parents both climbed in front. My dad backed out of the driveway and sped off down the road to one of our favorite local restaurants.

When we walked inside, we took a booth in the corner of the restaurant with my back to the front door. I was slightly anxious as I bounced my leg and ordered a lemonade and my usual order as the waitress came by. My parents chatted about their trip, and I only half paid attention. It was boring listening to other people talk about the fun they had someplace you weren't even along with to share the memories. I sighed in relief when our food arrived, effectively cutting off their storytelling. A whole month's worth of stories was enough to tire anybody out.

I started eating my chicken sandwich, letting my parents reminisce over something funny the couple staying next to them at the hotel did.

"Anything exciting happen with you Ellie? Have you and your friends been going to Dairy Queen again?" My mom asked suddenly, forcing me to swallow my food so I could reply.

"Yeah, we've been hanging out a lot," I said with a nod. I hesitated before deciding to bring up Rosen. "I actually met this guy-" I was broken off by mom mom who gave me a wide smile.

"Oooooh," Is all she said, and I rolled my eyes before continuing.

"We met at the gas station and he started hanging out with my friends and I. He's a vacationer, but he's new to the area so he hangs out with us all the time now," I concluded.

"What's his name?" My mom asked curiously.

"Rosen Parker," I replied. My face grew hot as I thought of what I would say next. "We- uh actually made it official that we were dating last night." My dad stopped chewing, raising his thick black eyebrows, slightly grayed with age, and giving my mom a look. My Mom only beamed back at me, making me shift slightly under their gaze.

"That's wonderful!" My mom exclaimed with a radiant look. "You'll have to invite him over sometime so we can meet him." My dad nodded in approval and I smiled and nodded once in agreement.

"I'm sure he'd love that," I replied. In actuality I had no clue if Rosen would want to meet my parents. Was that considered too serious for such a causal relationship we had?

"How is your job going?" My dad questioned, changing the subject.

"It's good," I said casually with a shrug. "A lot of fun, and it's nice being able to work with Ara." we continued eating our food, making casual conversation as we tried to catch up on each other's lives.

After we got home, I went up to my room to give my parents some space to get settled back into their room. I'm sure they would be doing laundry for a week after seeing all the luggage they tugged along with them. I shivered slightly when I opened the door and found my window open. I must have forgot to close it sometime. The chilly night air was seeping into my room, and I pulled down the window quickly. Wrapping a blanket around myself, I settled down on my bed with my phone.

Rosen: I'm going to go on a roadtrip with Cole for a few days, and won't be back until the weekend :(sorry

Ellie: Oh no! That's okay don't worry about it

Ellie: My parents want to meet you, want to maybe come over on saturday for dinner?

Rosen: Already have to meet the rents? haha jk- I would like that :)

Ellie: lol Sounds like a plan. I'll text you details and stuff later

Rosen: Alright. I'll miss you these next few days...

My heartbeat picked up as I read his message, a smile forming on my face.

Ellie: I'll miss you too :(


and that's it for this chapter! Thank you so much to those of you who are reading this! Please don't be afraid to leave your feedback and vote if you liked it! :)

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