chapter 4- day 1

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Clarke woke up the next morning to a loud alarm. She had definitely stayed out too late last night, especially for knowing she had to be on base before sunrise. She quickly dressed and drove to the base, watching the sun rise over the ocean. She parked and got out of her car, throwing a backpack over her shoulder as she heard the rumble from a car next to her.

"Hey," she said as she watched Bradley get out of his truck and walk around to meet her.

"Hey. You ready for this?" he asked as they walked to the locker rooms.

"I guess. Wonder who the instructor will be," she said with a wink as she went through a door, leaving Bradley standing alone with a confused look on his face. They met each other and the rest in an empty hanger that had tables and chairs arranged like a classroom. Bradley motioned to the empty seats behind Phoenix and Bob and they both sat down.

"Hey guys," Bob said as he turned around. 

"Hey," Clarke and Bradley both answered. "You guys ready?" Clarke asked.

"I guess," Bob answered at the same time Phoenix said, "Yeah. But who is our instructor?" Clarke shrugged her shoulders and then turned to wink and Bradley again. He leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"What is with the winking? Do you know something?"

"Maybe..." was all she said as one of the Admirals stepped up to a podium. 

"Welcome. You're all Top Gun graduates, the best. Which is why you're here. You're instructor is someone who has been exactly where you are. He was a Top Gun graduate, second in his class. He has real world experience, experience necessary to teach you this mission. His name and reputation both precede him." Everyone began looking at each other, trying to figure out who this legend would be. Clarke, however, kept her eyes forward as she heard footsteps approach from the back of the hanger. "Please welcome Capt. Pete Mitchell. Call sign: Maverick." Bradley nudged her ribs and glared at her, to which she responded with furrowed brows. Hangman was shaking his head and Fanboy looked like he was about to pass out. Clarke looked at her dad and raised her eyebrows. He nodded back and cleared his throat as he picked up a very thick manual.

"The F-18 Natops. Contains everything you need to know about your aircraft. I'm sure you all know it," Maverick paused. Sporadic agreements came from the group, "Hell yeah." "Damn straight." "You know it." Maverick nodded and then dropped the book in the small garbage can that stood next to the podium. "So does your enemy," he said sternly. Clarke held back a laugh as she saw Hondo sigh and shake his head as he stood next to the Admirals. "What your enemy doesn't know is your limits. How far you're willing to go. You're strengths and weaknesses. That's what I'm here to find out." Fanboy looked over to Clarke and gave a silent cheer, she just rolled her eyes. "Today we'll start with the east stuff. Wheels up in 20." Everyone dispersed to get into their flight gear. Phoenix jogged to catch up to Clarke as they entered the locker room.

"Did you know?"

"Um, yeah kinda. He didn't tell me, but I put it together last night. I had a hunch," Clarke answered. 

"How are you so calm? I'd be freaking out if my father was one of my instructors," she confessed as she pulled on her jumpsuit.

"It's not a big deal, really. He taught me almost everything I know about flying before I could even ride a bike. And if you're thinking he'll favor me, think again. If anything he'll be extra hard on me because he 'knows I can do better'." Clarke imitated her father. She grabbed her helmet and walked with Phoenix out to the tarmac. She checked the sheet to know which plane was hers, but before she could walk away she was stopped. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bradley asked in a hushed tone.

"I wasn't sure. And I knew you'd have something to say, so I figured there was no reason to get you upset if it wasn't gonna be him. I can't believe that you're really still holding this grudge. I thought we'd moved on from that." she answered and started walking away.

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