Chapter 4 ♪ Contemptress

Start from the beginning

"Where to now?"

"Home." Chris replied, Audrina took a seat on the big black couch as Chris walked into the kitchen where Ricky stood stuffing his face with some kind of food. Possibly chips? Because there was loud crunching noise coming from his mouth.

"Alright." Bobby replied as the bus began moving.

"So Audrina, have you ever rode in a bus like this before?" Ryan asked her, she shook her head side to side.

"No, I can't say I have."

"It's just like a house," Joshua told her. "except, you can't walk out of the bus without falling onto the road."

"How is this going to work anyways?" Ricky asked with a mouthful of food, he swallowed then continued. "are you two going to try to stop arguing or something?"

"We're just trying to figure some things out," Chris answered as he opened the refrigerator and grabbed a can of Monster Energy. Of course they had Monsters in their refrigerator, Chris was addicted to them and addicted to something else Audrina couldn't remember the name of. "and Ricky keep your nose out of it, alright?"

"Chris, you know he can't do that." Devin said, shaking his head side to side as he stared into the screen of his Iphone.

"He's going to try." Chris said as he opened the can and took a long chug, once he swallowed the liquid he walked over to the couch and sat down a few inches from Audrina. He found the remote which was between the couch cushions and flicked on the TV, he began flipping through channels until he found the movie Lost Boys, of course he was going to watch that movie even though he's seen it a thousand times. That was his favorite vampire movie and he knew almost every line in this movie. He turned the volume up then got comfortable and they all sat there and watched the movie while Bobby drove listening to the sound of the TV. Bobby didn't mind driving the band around whenever they asked him to, he needed to make money one way or another to support his wife, three children and himself and Chris did pay good money for him to drive around wherever they needed to go. Plus, they were all good friends. Even though Bobby only saw them when they ask him to drive, they were all buddies on tour and always counted Bobby into any event. Even if it was to play a stupid pointless game to pass time as they drove to their destination. It did get boring on the bus when they were on the road and on their way to a show, they didn't stop much, so they all ended up playing games such as; I-Spy, truth or dare or a board game they brought along or they'd even get creative and make up their own simple game. Audrina liked the Lost Boys even though it was an old movie, she enjoyed some of the old movies. Plus, the Lost Boys were the true vampires. Halfway through the movie, Audrina was about to fall asleep. She made herself comfortable on the couch while curled up in a ball, surprisingly the couch was comfortable and she was close to being asleep. Her eyes were closed and she was barely hanging on, she could hear some things but it seemed as if she was falling asleep for a few seconds then waking up again. Eventually she had fallen into the land of dreams and she was dreaming of Chris. She hardly ever dreamt of Chris, but when she did, she didn't like it very much because they were usually arguing. In this dream it was heated and almost obscene, she couldn't recognize the room but it looked very familiar. Possibly her room? She knew it wasn't Chris' because she's never been to his house.

"Is she asleep?" Devin asked as the movie got close to ending, Chris turned his head and leaned over to see Audrina's face. She looked peaceful as she took steady breaths, her hands under her head as a piece of her hair fell into her eyes. Chris nodded, reached down and pushed the hair back.

"Yeah she's asleep."

"I'll get a blanket." Ryan mumbled then got up from the couch and headed to the bunk area, he returned a few seconds later carrying a bright red blanket. He covered her up with the help of Chris then sat back down and continued watching the movie. Once the movie had ended the guys entered the kitchen and began looking for something to eat, they roam through cabinets, the refrigerator and other possible places for food, but they found nothing they wanted and none of them knew what Audrina would liked to eat except Chris and he only knew some of the things she liked, they thought about waking her up but Chris demanded them not to.

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