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-Nick's Pov-

Chapter 0ne: 'A heart on the window'

Throwing the ball to punz before I fall to the ground. He catches it, but Dream and Alex start to catch up to him. He tries to throw the ball to ranboo but Alex manages to block and catch his throw. I get up to run after them, but I remembered, Alex may be a bit short but he's the second fastest on the team. The fastest is techno, but Alex isn't to far behind him
Nickname: Quackity
Age: 17
A junior
Use to run track but wanted to try another sport with running in it.
Has above average grades

Alex runs to the goal just barely dodging techno's grasp. He throws the ball on the ground and yells as the sweat from his head fall down his face slowly, causing his hair to stick to his forehead.
Dream runs up to Alex and wraps his arm around his neck
A senior
Has only played football.
Almost the tallest player,
Has Average grade
"You guy were so fucking slow!" Alex laughed at most of us.
Dream kept yelling in excitement. "Fuck yea!"
"I almost had got you Quackity" Techno groaned. "But you didnt" He stick his tongue out and started spitting.

Techno blade
Nickname: the blade
A senior
Is good at almost every and anything he does. Very Competitive.
Get's straight A's

"Great job Q" Our Coach Bbh tells Alex. "Thanks sir" Alex tells him back. I say nothing to Quackity, me and him never really talked to one another. I don't really know how I feel about him, but I do wanna start talking to him.
"Nice job Q" I smiled as sweat slid down my face.  Alex looked my direction. "Uh- Thanks Sapnap!"

Using the hem to my shirt I wipe the sweat off my forehead a bit.
I looked over to George with the cheerleaders and laughed.
Him and dream did a bet, who ever lost had to go on the cheer team with a skirt on. George didn't play football but he did play Tennis.
Dream snickered at George getting his attention. He flipped both of us off but dream just blew air kisses at him.

I sighed walking to the bench and sitting down, grabbing my water bottle untwisting the top and pressing my lips against the tip and drinking it. I slammed my water on the side of me gasping for air.
I shake my head getting the hair that sticked to forehead.
I look at Quackity walk my way probably to get his water, but I get a bit nervous. He sits next to me. I try to make small talk "so . . . How's you and your boyfriend?" He looks a me almost confused
"Who?- oh schlatt . . . We're p-perfect fine" he said clenching his fist on he pants.
I didn't like the sound when he said 'Perfect"
He said it as if he was fake, but I brushed it off. It still lingering in the back of my mind. He turns and look at me and I look at him back.
He has clear hazel with smooth almost pale skin. Silky smooth hair that stops at his neck. Soft and warm lips.
I take his features in and smile, my cheeks turning a rozy color.
I take a deep breath almost chocking on the air.
He places his knees up to his chin wrapping his arms around his legs sighing.
"Bored?" I asked, he nodded.
"Hey, sapnap" He says getting my full attention. "Hm?"
"What if you were In a relationship with someone . . . That treats you terrible, what would you do?" He tells me. "Well I would-" Something sparks in my head
Is something going on between Q and schlatt
"I would break up with them especially if there are doing something to me" I try to smile but the Question ringing in my head.
"Thanks sapnap-" A rain drop falls on his nose. I lightly giggled "looks like it's gonna rain"
He sends me a warm smile "yea, it is"
"Today was good practice, don't forget we have a game next month" Our Coach yelled
"Now go home and get some rest!".
All the boys including me Quackity walked to the boys changing room. We all change out of our football uniforms and into clothes. I wore a black turtle neck with a red jacket, and black with white striped pants.
Grabbing my phone I slipped it in my pocket and walked outside to see the rain pouring down.
Some of the boys parents were picking them up or they had there own car, or just walk home.
I had my mom's car so I pulled my hood over my head and started to run toward the car until I heard an umbrella unfold. I turned around and it was "Quackity?" I say. "Yea?" He replies back. "You don't have a ride?".
He looks at me for a minute before answering. "No, my parents are at work". I look at him, without hesitation I asked him "Do want me to drive you home?"I say hoping he'd say yes
"Sure, thanks" He smiles at me.
As we walk to the car he walks closer to me covering both of us with the umbrella.
I open the passenger door closing it when Q gets inside. Walking to my side and closing the door when I get in. I start the car and start driving. As I drive rain drops slide down the window fogging up the glass.
From the corner of my eye I see Quackity finger drawing on the window, It was a heart.
"Sap look at the heart I drew" He tells me in excitement.
I giggle at him "It beautiful"
"Thanks" He says laying back in the chair falling asleep.

When I pull up to his house he's out cold. He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping. I raise my arm placing it on him shaking him. "Hey Q, were at your house" I say not trying to alert him
He slowly opens his eyes "Hm? Oh we're here, thanks Sap" He grabs his bag half way asleep. "See you tomorrow" he opens the door shutting it when he leaves.
I adored his sleepy voice and smiled.
I watched Quackity walk in his house before I left. I drive back to my house turn on some music to lighten the mood.

I step out the car and locking it shut. Walking in the house to be greeted by my mom. "Hey Nick how was practice?" She asks me.
"It was good, I still can't keep up with Quackity though!" I groaned
"Well you have more strength than him, cheer up sport" She kisses me on the forehead. "Now go get in the shower, you stink"
I laughed a bit at her before heading up stairs to take a shower.

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