Chapter 06

15 6 0

The Random Intervals In Halfway


They still felt as if they still had voices to hear, but they had to hurry and finish the ritual before four oʼclock in the morning. They have to complete and finish the ritual in no more than an hour at three oʼclock in the morning, because if not, they may be brought to misfortune, or death.

When this ritual is completed before four oʼclock in the morning, you can request anything you want for yourself or for anyone else. But Emil is having second thoughts. If he asks if they ever complete or finish the ritual, that request may be given to you by the demon. He doesnʼt know anything about this game or challenge, but that is just his own opinion or just a big question in his mind that he doesnʼt know who can answer.

He has faith in God. He believes in God even more than the devil, who has done nothing but deceive people into surrendering to him and take their souls to torture them and punish them in the boiling fire. Instead, the souls of the people who lived before on earth will enjoy happiness and peace in heaven and be with the lord who created mankind.
But people are different now. They prefer to worship the devil just to get what they want. Their souls will be sold to the devil in exchange for any luxury, such as money, wealth, fame, or whatever else greedy and selfish people dream of. It is not to criticize the person; that is just his own opinion, and it is not bad to have even a little knowledge about the things that are currently happening in the world. Nor is it bad to enjoy light, rather than darkness.

Emil also believes in ghosts because all people have a soul that has not gone beyond where they are. Ghosts really do exist in the world. They are not just drawn from any self that simply has ghostly souls or ghosts in any place. People may not be able to see them with their naked eyes; it just depends on whether those people have a third eye or what are called paranormal experts, right? Emil just shook his head. Instead of thinking about the ritual they were doing now, other things entered his mind.

Fortunately, he was still able to concentrate on driving. He just realized that he was at Mile No. 5, because his friends had been talking about what was written in the fifth mile.

Mile 5: The forest will disappear, revealing a clearing with a reflective lake of which the moon will shine brightly on it. Do not look at it for if you do even for a few seconds, you will end up in the lake sinking into its icy depths...

They all looked at the window, and even though they didnʼt open it, they could still see outside. They didnʼt know if they were going to open it or not. Nothing else happened. They werenʼt hurt when they broke the rules. When itʼs not allowed to go out, you shouldnʼt go out. "Do you see a lake there?" Emil asked his friends in surprise. He canʼt just look around because heʼs driving, and so is Archer. "Nothing. All we see here are trees," they heard Raquel say.

"As far as I know, the dead manʼs curve bridge is the closest lake here on Clinton Road, but... the GPS canʼt see if there is a lake where we are going or not, as long as we can point in the direction where we must go." Archer explained, even as he continues to drive, he wanders his eyes outside and looks at every corner of the roads they pass. Not only that, Mile No. 5 says when you see a lake, you should never look at it. They didnʼt understand much, but they didnʼt see any water. That's why they just proceeded to Mile No. 6. "Canʼt we just hurry this up?" Maxon asked.
"Just like... ignore them or something strange else so we can go home immediately," He looked at his wristwatch and saw that they had been driving for more than twenty minutes, and there were still forty minutes left before four oʼclock in the morning. "It is possible, but we still have to follow the instructions so that we donʼt break the rules again." Archer said, pressing his phone then continuing to read the next mile.

The 11 Miles Ritual: Clinton Road At Midnight [Published Under Ukiyoto]Where stories live. Discover now