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When Hiraku left the hospital, she stopped by her house to change first. She did not even know how long she had her uniform on. After showering, she changed into a brown hoodie with black long shorts and red converse. She tried looking for her red hoodie, but she could not find it.

She scratched her head in irritation and said to herself, "Is it in the laundry?"

She grabbed some snack and ate it while entering her portal towards Katsuki's front gate. When she reached his home, she was surprised to feel that it was almost empty. She furrowed her eyebrows with a pout.

'Awww, I wanted to talk to Mitsuki.'

She walked with a spring in her step toward Katsuki's door, a bright smile on her face. And when she arrived at the front door, she instantly rang the doorbell.

After ringing the doorbell, she could hear the sound of a door opening and a door closing. She then proceeded to grin more widely, excited to finally see her Katsuki.

"No one's home!!" A twitch mark appeared on her face as soon as she heard her boyfriend's voice.

"Dammit, Katsuki! It's me!" she yelled as she banged on his door. She bit her lip in anger when she heard him going back to his room. He was probably getting back at her from their previous sleep-over. "Seriously, that asshole."

As soon as she stepped out of her portal and into his room, a pillow had hit her directly in the face. When the pillow fell, she could see a snickering Katsuki behind it.

"Katsuki! You're such a meanie!" she exclaimed, pointing at the boy as she grabbed the pillow and hit the boy as well. Katsuki only laughed as the girl kept on hitting him. She huffed in irritation as she lowered the pillow and sat beside Katsuki on his bed, saying, "I need to tell you something."

Katsuki raised his eyebrow at the girl's sudden seriousness and asked, "What is it?"

"First things first," she began as she stood in front of Katsuki. She examined him carefully, trying to look for any cut or bruise. While she was staring him down, Katsuki could not help but blush. Hiraku's face was so close and she really looked pretty. He immediately stiffened when she placed her hands gently on his face.

"Are you okay?"

"Ye-yeah!" Katsuki stuttered as he turned his face away, but he immediately turned it back to glare at the now laughing girl. "Sh-shut up! And wh-what happened to your hair!?"

"Oh?" Hiraku's eyes widened, she did not expect him to notice actually. Hiraku then smiled warmly as she went back to sitting beside Katsuki.

"Tsk. Don't be so shocked, it's the first thing I noticed when I saw you out the window."

"Aww reall– Hey! You already knew it was me and you had the audacity to do that! You are such a meanie!" Hiraku grabbed the pillow as she began hitting the boy again. Katsuki only laughed at the angry girl. "You asshole!"

"Language, Hira."

"Shut up! You're so annoying!"


After Hiraku blew off some steam by hitting Katsuki with a pillow, they finally went back to talking. The two sat cross-legged across each other on the bed. Katsuki crossed his arms while leaning back on his headboard.

"So what were you gonna tell me, idiot?" Katsuki asked as a twitch mark appeared on Hiraku's face.

"I'm just going to ignore that, because I really like you." Katsuki turned his face away at the girl's statement, his face already turning to a reddish color.

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