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The next morning, society was in a state of chaos. Almost half of Kamino ward was obliterated. Dozens of buildings were destroyed and there were hundreds of casualties.

Although the media reported, if it weren't for Asra's arrival on time there would have been thousands more of casualties.

The media was buzzing with the news of All Might's victory, but also the country's loss of Symbol of Peace. Chatter among media described how anyone could even replace the symbol of Peace.

Another topic also rivaled the news about All Might, and it was from none other than his own niece. Her identity has been compromised and a lot of people were mad that the hero commission could allow such a thing. How could they make a little girl a pro hero?

Dozens of supporters flooded the hero commission, most were people who were rescued by the young hero. They were grateful for the girl, but ultimately afraid for her life. She was so young and she was already risking so much of her life.

Meanwhile, said girl was currently strolling aimlessly through the halls of the hospital. She had just visited her uncle, but he was still unconscious so she opted to just walk around for awhile. She could have just waited home, but she felt that their conversation was really important.

It was really important to her. So when she heard that he was finally awake she did not hesitate to teleport to his room.

"Jii-san!" All Might's eyes landed on the girl, but so did the rest of the occupants of the room. "Oh! Hehe, Hi Tsukauchi-san and Sorahiko-san."

"Well, if it isn't the little girl hero!"

"Wuaaa! Sorahiko-san, you're embarrassing me!" Gran Torino laughed as the girl approached them.

Gran Torino really did not underestimate anyone, so calling Asra a little girl who needed protection was very insulting.

"What are yall talking about?"

"We were just telling your uncle that he will remain in UA now," Tsukauchi answered as the girl sat beside her uncle.

"Sounds good to me."

"Listen, Asr–"

"You can call me Hiraku, Tsukauchi-san."

Tsukauchi cleared his throat as he continued, "Listen, uhm, Hiraku.. None of the police officers have interrogated you yet, right?" Hiraku nodded as she faced the two adults.

She had been really busy with the evacuation that when she finished, she immediately returned home and slept.

"We wanted to know where you've been, and why were you with AFO," Gran Torino interjected calmly. The both of them know that Asra is the least person to betray them, but her disappearance was something none of them could explain.

"By the way, Hira. What happened to your hair?"

"AFO is my grandfather," Hiraku said dumbfounded, she smiled sadly seeing the adult's reactions. "And judging by the look on you faces, you already knew that."

The adults exchanged glances as Hiraku looked at her dangling feet. She was really short, wasn't she?

"Hira, I am so so–"

"Don't worry, Jii-san. I'm not mad," Hiraku calmly interrupted All Might as she faced him, "I guess, I'm just a little hurt. I thought that maybe you really didn't trust me with the truth."

"Hira, I trust with my life. Let's get that out first, okay?" Hiraku nodded as All Might held her hands gently. "The only reason I didn't let anyone tell you was, because I thought that you would be burdened by the truth."

Tsukauchi and Gran Torino listened to the duo quietly. They thought that the two of them really needed to get everything out of the way, since a lot more problems are going to come their way. Their bond needed to be stronger than ever.

"You lost your parents, and I didn't want to add a villain grandfather on your plate," All Might said with tears in his eyes. Hiraku bit her lip, trying to stop the oncoming tears. "I love you, kid. I don't care if you're AFO's granddaughter, to me you're my favorite niece."

Hiraku sniffled as she gently embraced the frail man, "But I'm your only niece."


The adults laughed as the girl buried her face in her Jii-san's chest in embarrassment. Her Jii-san was right, it didn't matter who her blood relatives were. What matters is her and her Jii-san's bond. He was her family, and that was all that mattered.

"The interrogation has not exactly started yet."

"Ah! Tsukauchi-san! Way to ruin the moment!"


After telling everyone what had happened, minus of course the fact that she knew about the kidnapping. She was really glad Tsukauchi didn't ask her anything about it or she would have been busted.

"Hira." she immediately stopped talking when her uncle suddenly called her. The two were now alone in the room and she had just finished talking about her favorite movie. "I want to give you something."

Hiraku raised her eyebrow as All Might pulled his wallet out of his pants. She was about to tell a joke about how it survived, but stopped when she noticed him pull out a worn out photograph. Her eyes widened when she saw what it was.


"Your mother told me to give you this, once you learned the truth." Hiraku's eyes glistened with tears as she took the photograph. She wiped her eyes with a laugh as she finally took a good look at it. "She loved you very much, Hira. So much."

The picture was of her and her mother. Her mother had a wide grin as she posed, a baby Hiraku was also grinning in her arms. She looked just like her mother. Her hair was currently white, and although she sort of disliked it since it reminded her of her ties with AFO; it also reminded her of her mother.

Hiraku never met the woman, but she loved her with all her heart. She understood her choice and she was just grateful that her mother left her with someone who cared for Hiraku.

"Thank you, Jii-san," she began as she placed the photograph close to her chest. "This means the world to me."

"You're welcome, Hiraku. I'm sorry that it's the only one I have."

Hiraku shook her head as she said, "It's everything, Jii-san."

All Might smiled as the girl looked at the photo one more time before placing it gently in a small portal. The girl then turned to face him with a grin.

"By the way, I gotta go," she stated clearly with a bright smile.

"Where are you going?"

"To see my boyfriend, duh?" All Might's eyes widened at her statement as the girl quickly created a portal. "See you later, Jii-san!"

"Wait! Hiraku! What boyfriend?!"


Oop! Sorry for the short chapter lol I got busy with school works help me yall Neways I'm trying to decide where to end this lol This was a filler chapter and I'm gonna upload a few more of them but it's necessary lmao Thank you for reading ! <3

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