⌗ sunflower

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Tommy pov.

wait what's today?  "....MONDAY?!?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" i hear footsteps oh fuc-.. "TOMMY WHATTHEFUCK ARE YOU DOING HOME?!?!" Wilbur said but... I just stayed silent and kicked him out without saying anything.

nobody pov.

tommy took a shower, brushed his teeth, and of course got dressed with a baggy shirt and some nice dark baggy jeans. With that he grabbed a banana and walked to school well...that was until a dirty blonde hair with blue eyes bumped into him. "OWW MY HEAD!! YOU PISSER WHO ARE YO-" the blonde man was cut off by the dirty blonde "my name is Grayson, got it? now shut up before my annoying brother Punz thinks you're being a dick." Tommy was even quieter than the time he saw Wilbur and quackity maki- anyways Tommy somewhat..thought Grayson's voice was almost heavenly.

Tommy's thoughts got pushed away from Grayson saying endless "HELLO??" to Tommy but Tommy just walked away silently.


Grayson/Purpleds POV.

who was that kid...and why did he just walk away from me..what an asshole.. "hey..Uhm I just wanna say sorry for walking away from you Grayson heh.." the weird blonde said nervously. "it's fine I guess..and call me Purpled please.." I laughed silently "Purpled is such a weird nam-" I grabbed him by his shirt. "finish that. I dare you." .... "OKAY OKAY-.." I let go and went back to my notebook and my juice "hey what are you drawing!! can I see !!" he's still here?? ugh, "absolutely.....not."...sure I was being a bit rude but I don't even know his name!!. "WHYYYY" oh no his friends are coming over here dammit.."tell me your name, now." ... "it Tommy...why do y-"..." whos this Tommy??" some guy who looked like Tommy but had brown hair..and it's covering his eyes...emo..and some other guy who was tall as fuc- "please get your furry friends away-".."BITCHBOY THEY ARENT FURRYS-" why does this Tommy guy have to be so damn loud.."..." ".."...

Tommy POV.

i grabbed Purpleds wrist and ran away from my.."furry friends" and ran to some bathroom nobody goes in. "what the fuck man!!" his voice is so..alluring but in a platonic way? i dont know.."hey sunflower are you gonna answer me or stand there like a blind bug?." a petname?..





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