2. Just Another Day In The Life Of Emmy...Getting Kidnapped And Whatnot

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Just Another Day In The Life Of Emmy...Getting Kidnapped And Whatnot

I gasped when the water hit me right in the face, running down my skin and completely soaking my hair and through my shirt and tank top. Lifting my hands, I wiped over my face, trying to get rid even the tiniest bit of wetness.

"Emmy, are you okay?" I hear Drake ask. There was laughter in his voice, even though he was trying to hide it.

I nodded, blinking a few times as the water droplets gathered on my eyelashes. "It's water," I said, looking at him. His lips were pressed together in a thin line, but they were curled up ever so slightly at the corners. My eyes narrowed at him, but my lips formed a tight smile. "Go ahead. You can laugh."

Not a second later, he did. "I'm sorry."

Everyone around us was, too, but I didn't care. If I was one of the other girls, I would have been screaming about my hair and makeup being ruined and crying at the fact everyone was laughing at me.

"Mr. Garner, can you go assist Miss Alexander with her cleanup?" Mr. Dufort asked. "And do be quick. Our next tour begins in five minutes."

"He thinks I can be back to normal in a few minutes?" I mumbled as Drake and I made our way inside and toward the bathrooms. "It's taking us that much just to get back inside!"

"Calm down, would you?" Drake laughed. "We'll find them. Besides, I think we're going up to the floor where all of the sculptures are. It won't be too hard to find. And I'm sure they won't even be past the first when we get there. You know how Mr. Dufort gets, wanting the tour guide to tell us everything there is to know."

"Very true," I laughed just as we got to the bathrooms. I turned and pointed a finger at him. "Wait out here. You're not going in there with me. The last thing we need is for you to get kicked out for being in the ladies room."

That knowing smirk of his grew on his face. "Wouldn't be the first time..."

I snorted as I turned around, opening the door to go inside.

There was only one woman when I turned the corner toward the sinks. She finished washing her hands before drying them and heading out a second door on the opposite side of the bathroom.

When I finally got a good look at myself in the mirror, it wasn't as bad as I'd expected. It just looked like I'd gotten caught in the rain, even though it was bright and sunny outside. My hair had already started to dry and my waterproof mascara hadn't even smudged.

There was a knock on the door and Drake's voice filtered through. "You okay in there, Em?"

"Yeah, I'm good. I'll be out in a minute," I said as I started to tug the hairband to let my hair down.

I swung my head over and shook my hair out, trying to let the air dry it just a little bit before I put it back up. My shirt and tank top had dried to a point where it wasn't uncomfortable walking around in slightly damp clothing. Before I started for the door, I walked into one of the bathroom stalls, knowing it would probably be a while before we took another break.

Right when I was about to walk out of the stall, there was a strange sound coming from above, like the final whirl of a machine coming to a stop.

That's when the lights went out, plunging me into total darkness.

For a moment, I thought I'd gone blind. I blinked a few times, but nothing changed.

The sound of a crowd was coming from the door. I could hear Drake's voice, too, yelling my name, and another man's voice directing him out of the building. The only thing I couldn't figure out was which door it was coming from. My sense of direction was completely, lost, not being able to see.

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