What are they doing?

"Please let me live to see my wedding day." Carter speaks quietly in my ear making Kiara snort beside me.

"Wait, what?" I ask my eyes furrowing as I look back to Lola who is pointing out our direction to Aali who was giggling also.

Before I got a response from carter I'm scooped up into his arms, I let out a small whine when I realise that Carters pushing his was through the people on the grassy area and towards the deepest end of the pool. "Car... Carter please!" I yell loudly, kicking my legs against his body trying I get his grip on me to loosen slightly. It's hard for him to take me seriously when I'm screaming at him to 'put my ass back on the floor this second' all whilst trying to gasp for air between my giggling fit.

His feet rest by the edge of the pool and I can already hear the few giggles and shouts of encouragement to throw me in from the people around us. "Carter don't you dare!" I warn as he takes me from over his shoulder so that I'm almost laying across his arms.

He whispers a small sorry again before my body is tossed in the air. I take a deep breath in, holding it and waiting for the moment my body is plunged into the deep water. My eyes are wrenched closed and as I crash against the cool water it's like all the air in my body is knocked out of me.

I stay under the water for a few seconds before my head bobs up from the deep water. I swipe the pieces of hair away from my eyes whilst kicking quickly I keep afloat. All of this was being done whilst I shoot daggers to Carter an Lola who's obvious idea this was.

"You're such an ass!" I yell, the smile on my face makes the words unconvincing as everybody around me just seems to laugh at me.

"Whatever." Lola says back as I spot one if the many brightly coloured donut rings empty and not too far away from me. I push my way over to it, sticking my finger up at my so called friends as I hook my arms through the ring, using it I stay afloat as I bounce up and down on the surface of the water.


"You know how much you stress me out, right?" Scooter asks making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah but, I need a break." The matter of fact tone coming out in my voice.

There's a small silence between us as I slide the pair of sunglasses over my eyes. I hear Scooter mumble something that I didn't quite catch and some shuffling of papers, this was followed by a sigh from him as I walk out of the hotel into the hot air which was beginning to cool off a little.

"A week." Scooter grumbles his voice warning as I smile in slight triumph. I can picture him rolling his eyes and raking his hands through his hair like he usually does when he's stressed out.

"Thank you" I mumble as I walk through the grand hotel lobby, glancing up briefly at the huge chandelier which was hanging from the ceiling of the hotel lobby.

"Don't mention it. Have a good time, you deserve it." Scooter says before we both say bye and hang up. He may or may not have wanted to kill me when I announced that I'd decided to go to Miami for ten days (I say 'told', really he just saw picture of me there).

Out by the pool the music was playing loudly, at least from what I could hear from my room on the twelfth floor as I was sat on the balcony which overlooked the sea. After Ryan, Za and Atifa went down there half an hour ago I found myself bored and the pool party which was supposedly going on would be a good excuse to get Scooter off the phone.

I tried to walk as subtly as possible, a hat covering the top of my head, my sunglasses dark as I walked through the quietest area of the pool. It probably didn't work but anything's worth a shot, right? Everybody was sat in a large kind of cordoned off area which had a number of sun loungers, a small wooden table and a white kind of gazebo which Atifa was sat under, tapping away on her phone.

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