Extra credit!

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The next morning avani woke up for school and drove fabiola to school usually avani would meet paxton at the front door's but he wasnt there, instead she was met with ben gross "hey avani" he greeted the girl with a smile "Hey ben" she replied with a fake smile and continued walking "hey im really sorry" he said gripping her wrist before she could alk away, she looked down at his hand and he quickly let go and backed away "It's fine ben just leave it alone" avani said walking into her classroom ben following and taking his normal seat right next to her.

A few minutes into the class paxton walkes in and takes his seat behind avani "I will be offering extra credit" the teacher coninued, suprisingly paxton decided to participate and him avani and trent decided to be partners, as they were conversating davi cut in "Hey can i join this group" she asked looking up at paxton waiting for an answer "of course" avani said with a big smile "ok great" she said walking away. they all agreed to start the project tthe next day at trent's house, but tonight trent was throwing a party and the whole school was going so she needed to figure out her outfit, she had invited davi to her house after school to pick outfits and she immedietly agreed it was the perfect cover up to tell her strict mother. davi's mother loved avani she always helped her cook and she always tought avani new recipies when she stayed over at their house.

After school davi and fabiola got into avani's jeep and they headed to avani's house blasting music the whole ride. When they got to avani and fabiola's house they rushed up to avani's room fabiola went into her own room to find something to wear, avani began digging through her closet and pulled out a yellow crop top something davi's mother definetly not be quite fond of, "this, and these" avani said picking out a pair of white jeans with rips all over the legs "great ill go try it on" davi basically ran to the bathroom, meanwhile avani picked out a pair of light washed jeans with a few holes on the legs and a white tube top. after the two were dressed they went to check on fabiola, "Im not going sorry guys" she said with a guilt ridden look on her face "ugh fine love you" avani said leaving the room "bye fab" davi waved before following the girl out of the house.

When they got to trents house davi immedietly left avani's side to go find paxton and avani made her way through the house, She ran into ben and they started having a conversation about completly nothing until she heard people shouting from the back yard ao she left ben to see what was happening "shit" she mumbled as davi got closer and closer to a coyote "davi what the fuck are you doing" avani shouted watching as the girl took one final step, "OUUU" everyone said and avani immedietly rushed over the the injured girl "holy shit are you ok" avani asked trying to get the girl on her feet, nobody tried too help they just watched and recorded suddenly paxton burst through the crowd and helped avani lift the girl and the two carried her to avani's car "can you drive?" paxton asked assuming that the girl had been drinking " pfft ok dad" avani said sarcastically rolling her eyes "Ill follow you in my car" he said shutting the door and getting into his jeep.

When they arrived at the hospital they waited in davi's hospital room waiting for her mom, avani was terrified of what davi's mother would think of her now, while paxton and davi were just taking selfies and giggling, suddenly davi's mother burst into the room an angry look on her face as she started shouting avani grabbed paxton's wrist and snuk around the shouting woman, When they were out in the hallway avani burst out laughing and her chuckles were contagious so paxton bent down with his hands on his knees laughing, as they exited the hospital they said their goodbye's and went home leaving davi to deal with her mother on her own.

The next day was a saturday but avani still had a project to start so she did her hair and made her way to trent's house.

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