why did you come back

Start from the beginning

Courtney : *hands Dimond her schedule *

Dimond : *looks at her schedule* hey you have all of the same classes with me 

Courtney : oh really cool !

Dimond : yeah *gives Courtney back her schedule * so you can just follow me *smiles*

Courtney : sounds cool with me *smiles and looks at Princeton* whats are your names ?

Dimond : my name is Dimond 

Princeton : im Princeton but Prince for short

Courtney : cool names

Princeton : thanks 

Dimond : we should go or else we are going to late to class which we already are , Prince ill speak with you later okay ?

Princeton  : okay see you guys at lunch *walks away*

                                  { in class } 

Dimond : hi Ms. Douglas we have a new student 

Ms. Dougals : oh hi and you are *looks at Courtney*?

Courtney : im Courtney *smiles* 

Ms. Douglas : *smiles* welcome how about you and Dimond find a seat 

          The all of a sudden my phone rings so I took my phone out my pocket and when I looked at the Caller ID it said unknown 

Ms. Douglas : Dimond no phones in class .. please hand over your phone 

     I clanced up and saw Roc looking at me , I rolled my eyes and answered the phone

                                      [ Phone Convo ]

Dimond : hello ?

??? : hi sweety its me ?

Dimond : who the fuck you calling sweety ?! 

??? : its your dad 

Dimond : excuse me !! how the hell you got my number !!! you shouldn't have my n-

Dad : look we don't have time to agrue right now get to the hospital right now Sparkle is in the hospital 

Dimond : SHE'S IN THE WHAT !!!!! 

Dad : hurry please ! 

                                  [ End of Phone Convo ]

         I hung up the phone and raced out of the room , I ran out of the school and ran to the hospital that was like 20 blocks away !!! it took me almost a hour just to get there and I was out of breath at the same time but I didn't stop running , Finally when I got to the hospital I stopped and caught me breath 

Doc : are you okay ??

Dimond : m-m-my s-s-siter 

Doc : where is she ??

Dimond : h-h-her n-n-name i-i-is S-S-p-p-arkel i-is -s-s-he h-h-e-r-e 

Doc : how old is your sister ?

Dimond : four

Doc : I think I know who your talking about but first I would like you to rest

Dimond : *shakes her head * no ! s-show me h-her *starts to catch her breath*

Doc : *sighs* fine this way please ..

        I followed the doc down the hall and it seemed like we we walking for hours the hall was so long  , finally the doc stopped walking and we were in frount of a door

Doc : this is it

Dimond : thank you

            I opened the door and there was my little sister sleeping on the bed and she had a huge bandage under her chin , I wanted to cry i felt so bad for Sparkel she was so little and already she was in the hospital

??? : you made it

          I turned around and there stood my dad and he just stood there like nothing .. like we were best friends and he has always been there for me and Sparkel and that made me just want to slap him across the face ,  what was he doing here ?!

Dimond : what are you doing here !

Dad : shh your going to wake up your sister

Dimond : you didn't answer my question ! what are you doing here !

Dad: *rolles his eyes sighs* look her school was the one who called me

Dimond : why ?! your not the one looking after her !

Dad : your school doesn't know that

Dimond : well they should !

Dad :  then me and your mom would go to jail 

Dimond : good you guys need to go to jail !

Dad : oh really , so if me and your mother went to jail you and your sister would be taken away form each other and go to another family remember your only 15 you can't stay with a child until your 16 

Dimond : ...

Dad : excalty 

Dimond : what happened to her 

Dad : her teacher said that she was running in class and she tripped and hit her chin really hard on the floor 

Dimond : *shakes her head*

Dad: so she cut her chin open and she got stiches 

Dimond : how many 

Dad : 12 

Dimond : your fucking kidding me right 

Dad : don't curse 

Dimond : just shut up don't start acting like a dad now you lost that chance so long ago ! before Sparkel wakes I want you to leave 

Dad : what why ?

Dimond : because I don't want her to see you .. she doesn't need to see somebody she missies then next thing you know they leave . she does not need that she is to young for that shit !

Dad : im not leaving just yet .. not soon

Dimond : your still leaving though !!!! 

Dad : you know what fine ill just go 

Dimond : that's all I was asking for you can go back to fucking thoes sluts like you do everyday that's why you left me and Dimond and mom on the other hand is over here getting high !

Dad : watch you fucking mouth ! you don't know half the shit me and your mom do to protect you and your sister because we love you 

Dimond : *laughs* why are you lieing to yourself ?! you know damn well you don't love me or Sparkel 

Dad : *shakes his head smirks* you don't understand *begins to walk away*

Dimond : your right I don't so explain to me ! 

Dad : I really wish I could but I can't *leaves the room*

              I looked over at Sparkle who was sleeping peacefully and that's all she needs ... 


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