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"Do you really think this dress is good??"

"For the hundred time Y/n, yes, it is good" Seungmin sighed and I excused myself for being so stressed.

"It's time Y/n. Hurry up"

"Do you know where he lives?"

"Jisung send me Minho's adress but I didn't check where it is"

"Let's check!"

We schearched Minho's adress on Google Maps and found that was next street.

"I didn't know he was that near!"

"Pffff wish Jisung lives that close"

"Stop it and let's go"

We went upstairs. I waved at Minji and started getting out when I saw Seungmin going to the kitchen.

"What are you doing Minnie?"

He came with a plate of brownies....wait, that's mine! I did it!

"Why are you taking MY brownies plate??"

"To thanks them, we don't have anything else"

"Pfffff" I was mad because that was MY brownies and he didn't ask me for permission.

"Don't be mad, Jisung will eat them"

I smiled at the idea of Jisung eating my brownies. Finally, Seungmin also took a bottle of Apple Juice he did and we exited the house.

After the (very short) ride, we arrived at Minho's. That was honestly pretty. Seungmin rang the bell.

A cute woman came at the door.

"Hello, who are you?" her voice was very soft and I realy liked her.

"We are here to see Minho. We have a school project with him and Jisung"

"Oh! You're Y/n and...Seungbin? Moonbin? Minseung? Anyway, Minho told me a lot about you! Come inside!"

Seungmin whispered to me "he seems to talk more about you" wich made me hit his arm.

We entered the house.

"You're a bit early right? Jisung isn't here yet because he's at the studio and Minho is still at pratice. I thinks they will be here in like...30 minutes? Do whatever you want" she smiled at us. My mind was crazy about Jisung in a studio. Is he a musician? Is he in a band? A group? That's so sexy.

I sat on the sofa with Seungmin. At the time we sat, 3 cats jumped on my laps. They were so cute.

"Do you want to have one on your laps Seungmin?"

"If you want"

I grabbed one of the cats and put him on Seungmin's laps but he immediatly left it and went on me again.


"They seem to like you miss" Minho's mother smiled at me "This is Soonie, Doongie and Dori"

I smiled at her puis at the cats and finally at Seungmin. I caressed them during all the 30 minutes.

The bell rang.

I hope it's Jisung.

Because Minho's mom was in her room and I had the cats on my laps, Seungmin opened the door to let place to a beautiful Han Jisung.

"Hey Seungmin" he said smily.

"Hey Jisung, come inside"

"Isn't Minho here?"

"His mom said he's still at...practice?"

"Oh okay" When he saw me, he just said a little Hi. That was not a Hi like Seungmin's. When he talked to Seungmin, he was warmer and softer than hAn JiSuNg and when he talked to me, he was just Han Jisung, a simple student talking to Y/n, a normal student. I felt jealous.

"Jisung, I have brownies for you!" I said.

"I'm sorry, I'm allergic to chocolate...but I would love to drink this Apple Juice" He came to the kitchen with 3 plates, a knife and 4 glasses. He drunk Seungmin's Apple Juice and loved it. Pfff.

He startes talking "Gosh what is Minho doi-"

He was cutted by the sound of the opening door. Minho entered the house.

"Hiiiii mom-Oh you're all there? Sorry if I was late, I wanted my moves to be perfect"

His moves? I mean they talk about 'his practice' but...what is it?

"Hi Seungmin, Hey Y/n"

I would lie if I say he's not sexy. I can easily understand why girls love him that much... but wait, Y/n? Are you crazy? Jisung is the most beautiful guy, okay? But...he looked so unintersting by me just now...Argh I don't know what do think!

"Let's go to my room"

We followed to Minho's room.

날 봐 (Look At Me) - Lee Kwow X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now