Chapter 5

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Chloe walked back to the lab, watching the snow.

"Oh, hi Dad!" Chloe greeted, as Professor Cerise shuffled down.

"Hi, Chloe!" He waved.

"Where's Ash and Goh?" Chloe asked.

"Professor, you're going to miss your train!" Chryssa called out.

"Oh!" Professor Cerise gasped, scurrying away.

"Where's Ash and Goh?" Chloe repeated, turning towards Chryssa.

"Hey, Chloe!" Jenna yelled, as her, Ash, Natsuki, Gary and Goh ran down the steps. "We're going to be searching for ice Pokémon! Goh says it's the perfect weather!"

And then they all ran off. Chloe sighed. "Is something wrong?"

"Huh?" Chloe turned towards Chryssa. "Just... I wanted to cook something for all of us. Maybe some hot chocolate, too."

"Oh, that's too bad..." Chryssa hummed.

"Say..." Chloe asked. "Do you think I could watch you do your work?"

Chryssa blinked. "Ugh... Sure!"


Jenna looked around. "I was just chasing a Cubchoo..." She saw that very Pokémon being sucked into a Poké-ball.

"Oh... He's already caught..." Jenna sighed. "Well, guys, false call-!"

"Wait, Ash? Goh?" Jenna blinked, looking around. "Gary!? Natsuki!?

"Ugh... I'm lost, aren't I?"


"She' not here!" Natsuki called out.

"She's not here, either!" Goh replied.

"Where is she!?" Ash groaned. "How'd she even get away from us!?"

"She said she saw a Cubchoo," Gary replied. "Maybe she went after it."

"Well..." Ash's eyes widened, and he sniffed the air. "I smell ramen! Why don't we go eat, real quick?"

"But... What if Jenna gets hurt? Or what is she hurts someone?" Natsuki asked.

"We can take a quick break. Chloe's her emergency number, so if she does need help she'll just call Chloe," Goh shrugged.

"I guess..." Natsuki sighed, reluctantly following the rest.


"Why don't you sleep over at my house?" Chryssa offered.

"E-eh!?" Chloe gasped. "Really?"

"Sure! I can teach you some easier ways how to comb your hair..." Chryssa smiled mischievously.

"Ok!" Chloe nodded. "It's a deal!"


Suddenly, the gang's chairs started flying up in the air. "Ah-!"

Some ramen spilled on Gary, and he screamed due to the heat.

"Loser!" Natsuki giggled, before falling off her chair. "Ah-!"

"Ha! Karma!" Gary shot back.

Once the chairs flew back down, a man came up to them. "I'm so sorry! You see, he does this a lot when he gets headaches..." A trainer apologized, his Psyduck rubbing his head in annoyance. "I'll be you more ramen as an apology!"

Everyone blinked at him, until Ash cheered at the final statement.


Chloe put on the Psyduck wonsie, feeling herself blush. "It fits..."

"Oh, great! It was too small for me, but it was just so cute I couldn't resist!" Chryssa chimed.

"Ehehe..." Chloe laughed, nervously.


Jenna sighed, sliding herself onto a bench in the park. "I guess they've forgotten about me..."

She felt cold tears prick her eyes, and she brought her knees up to her chest. "I miss Chloe... Of course, I forgot my phone at home..."

Suddenly, something warm was place over her neck. She blinked, looking up to see a man and his Psyduck.

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