Chapter 6

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Chloe was walking into the lab with Chryssa, when they heard an all too familiar voice.

"Chloe!" Jenna launched herself onto Chloe's back, making her almost fall over in the process.

"Jenna-!" Chloe gasped. "Where'd you come from? And..." She looked at a trainer and his Psyduck.

"I got lost, and he found me. He let me stay at his place for the night, then he helped me find the Cerise Lab," Jenna explained, before whispering in her ear, "Don't worry. I told him I was a lesbian."

Chloe nodded. "Thank goodness..."

Chryssa felt herself blush immediately, and so did the trainer. "I've waited so long to meet you again!"

She ran towards him, and he smiled while opening his arms.

"Do they have some history?" Jenna asked, as Chloe nodded.

Chryssa ignored him, as she bent down to hug his Psyduck.

Everyone blinked. "What?"


"Gary!" Jenna screamed, as Gary fell off the couch. "How could you let me just disappear!?"

"I wanted food!" Gary put his hands up, defensively. "Why are you only yelling at me!?"

"Because you're the only one here! Plus, the last time I yelled at Natsuki she started crying," Jenna stated. "Now come'er!" With that, she tackled Gary.

Gary shrieked, as Jenna started to mess up his hair.

"Jenna!" Chloe pried her off. "If you stop, I'll play seven minutes in heaven with you again!"

Immediately Jenna stopped. "Deal!" The two of them went into a closet, slamming the door shut.

Gary blinked. "Ugh... Okay?"


Natsuki was walking to the kitchen, when she heard some shuffling from the room next to her. Cautiously, she opened it, to see Jenna wrestling Meowth.

Chloe was at the side, mouthing the words, "She tried to put a dress on him."

Natsuki nodded, watching the fight. She then smiled slyly. "Fifty buck Jenna'll win."

"She'll definitely win..." Chloe whispered, slowly creeping over to Natsuki's side.

Suddenly Jenna stopped, hissing loudly as her eyes flickered black for a moment. Meowth jumped back, frightened. "Nyah-!"

Jenna blinked, all anger leaving her face. "Huh?"


It was dinner, and Gary had been telling embarrassing stories about Natsuki when she was little. "And then- Natsuki actually ate it! She ate mud!"

Everyone burst into laughter, and Natsuki blushed. "You said it was chocolate-!"

"Oh, here's another one! I and her were playing baseball indoors, and I accidentally knocked over Gramps' Poké-balls. Luckily, I simply said, 'Natsuki dared me to.' And then she got in trouble!"

"You framed me!" Natsuki shrieked, her eyes snapping the same shade of black as Jenna's were.

"Eek-!" Gary jumped in his seat, as well as everyone else.

Natsuki rubbed her temples. "Sorry, what just happened?"

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