Deadly encounter

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Following my encounter with the same man who tried to kill me 10 years ago trying to kill me again I just sat at my desk waiting for the day to end.

"Samantha? how are you feeling?" alpha lark asked walking towards my desk.
"not too bad bruises heal" I replied
"good good , well hey me and Zoey are planning to have a nice family dinner tomorrow night and I heard you promised her you would try to be around more? so how about it kid?" I smiled at this.
"yeah sure sounds great" i replied
"Great! well I'll see you in the evening tomorrow then" then as he made his way out the door he turned and spoke "you're brother also called and said he's sorry for not being able to make it today they had a breach at there boarder. "
I nodded I couldn't help but think he just didn't want to deal with coming out this far he did just have a baby after all.

the walk home was quick ghost seems uninjured to me he practically pulled me the whole way home, I knew he was just excited because today is a exercise day so he and the other boys got to go run through the park.

I walked through the door to my apartment and quickly ran to my room all my sweet babies were already waiting by the door when I walked in leashes lay at their feet.
I but on all black pants and sports bra and pulled my long hair into a high ponytail.
after I pulled on my Nikes I was ready to head out.
"alright boys let's go" I yelled then timber jumped at the front door handle and we were moving jogging down the hall.

I loved the feeling of the chilly night air on my skin the park me and the boys ran in was only 1 block away and when we made it to the heavily wooded area I let them go to get all there energy out they would usually be gone for about an hour, and let me tell you they are deadly quiet when they run.

me one the other avoid the forest u like the path I'm pretty clumsy I would just trip on air and break my leg, so yeah paved and with street lights every so other was a good jog for me.

half way through my run the street lights started going out I wasn't afraid of the dark but I couldn't see as well as werewolves.
maybe I should head back I don't want to get stuck in a dark park and it's a long way back.
but as soon I turned to head back the way I came the lights started going out one after the other, I started to head movement around me snapping twigs and crunching leaves.
okay now I'm scared maybe I should recall the boys, the sounds was getting closer and I'm terrified I couldn't understand why I've ran this path for years never feeling any danger, yet tonight I'm stuck standing here un moving like a deer in the head lights.
that's when I started to hear a low growling so I slowly reached into my pocket to get to my phone light it had a nice shake on feature, once my light was on I crept in a circle in the direction of the noise just praying for the lights to flare to life.
the light passed over to large glowing yellow eyes, as it came closer I could see more of it all gray missing chunks of fun skin hanging from it's large body much bigger then my boys it's large gaping jaws filled with huge jagged teeth that could rend the flesh from my bones, it was in that moment I knew I was going to die, it had to be a rouge.

as it neared me I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me back through the wooded path, I stopped at the corner I saw it coming at me down the path,
"help!!!" I turned around to see it still running my legs started to move I felt my lungs burn but I kept moving forward it's jaw closed around my shoulder, my pained scream rang loudly around the woods.

falling to my knees it held me down as blood poured down my arm and side,
"please let me go!" I pleaded but the rouge just sank his teeth in further causing me to cry out.

I was beginning to lose myself from the pain and blood loss when I heard howling from all over the forest, the boys!!.
they must have gone for help, extra treats for good boys I thought as ghost and 9 other larger wolves came into view, "alpha lark!!!" I cried out he was all red and brown I would know his wolf Drake anywhere, but he wasn't the one to attack it was a man covered in tattoos with long inky black hair with rippling muscles, eyes all black, Alpha Kacy?.

alpha Kacy came running at us screaming my name "SAMANTHA!!".
He grabbed the rouge wolf by the head severing it's jaw from the rest of his face.
Alpha Kacy growled and pulled it's tongue ripping it from it's throat.
Blood sprayed everywhere coating me and the alpha.
the beast fell dying most likely of blood loss, people surrounded me including the pups it was loud but in my shock I heard nothing.
Im  numb I feel nothing but sudden dizziness I was gonna pass out as I hear alpha Kacy growl making everyone step back"MINE!!".
his? now I'm confused " shhhh baby I've got you now" his arm wrapped around me pulling me into a hug it felt so odd like electric sparks flaring to life everywhere he touches it wasn't a bad feel just odd.
" I need to heal you so hold still" I wanted to laugh, hold still I can't even move, he lowered his head to my injured shoulder it was so badly tourn you could see the muscle underneath, then sparks erupted as he ran his tongue over the wound healing it instantly, I gasped at the sensations I didn't understand how he did it but I was thankful.
"t.....thank you" that's all I could get out as he lifted me into his arms bridal style and the sudden motion made my head spin and darkness took over.

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