Blood thirsty monster

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As the next work day came I was busy finding vendors for food and games, Royal city was full of werewolf owned small businesses so I spent most of my early morning on the phone with a plethora for different vendors.

"yes thank you I will let alpha lark know" I hung up the phone and flopped down at my desk exhausted.
soon after alpha lark walked up to my desk,  Alpha lark was carrying a box with a piece of paper taped to it. He set it on top of my pile and started picking up papers.
"what is it?" I asked
"A gift wait till you get home" he replied "how the hunt going??" he asked
"oh it's fine I've got 8 different good vendors lined up and I've contacted the city's mayor and he's given me a list of possible werewolf friendly games service's"I was very proud of myself I had done all the work I needed in about a day so now I can focus my time on other work that still needed to be caught up on.

"Good that's what I like to hear get me a print out of the vendors and I'll handle it from there"
i nodded my head and reached under my desk to give ghost a pat on his head.
"oh and Sammy can you do a coffee run please the alpha king and others will be hear any minute thank you" called out alpha lark as he walked back to his office, I hated doing coffee runs they made me feel like a  slave which I was not.
"ghost come on buddy" I grabbed my purse and headed for the door and opened it quickly closing it behind me I looked around should I take the elevator or the stairs? before I could even come to a decision ghost pulled me towards the door the the stairs, well I guess stairs it is elevators freak ghost out anyway.

I made it to the lobby out of breath ghost all but ran down the 6 flights, then I noticed two men standing by reception talking together, looking up I spotted their suits and badges, it seemed that they must be visiting alphas that lark told me about.

I walked as quickly as I could I needed to get the coffees fast alpha would want the men to feel welcome and coffee is how he did that, when I first moved into the pack house alpha lark would bring me a boiling hot coffee every morning.

smiling at the memorie i almost ran right into someone as I came to the front door of the local coffee shop.
I was shoved aside by a giant man it didn't seem like he did it on purpose but you never know.
I looked up as the man was walking away down the street and I froze and became sick to my stomach it was that horrible man the one who tried to kill me, Beta Alexander of the moon fairy pack.

after about 10 minutes I finally calmed down ghost had made me sit down and laid his massive head in my lap, so I ran my hands threw his solft fur to gain my composure back.
standing in line felt like forever so when I finally got my order and headed out the door I dropped ghosts leash to carry both of the trays of the hot drinks, I need to Walk faster but I don't want to spill these on me because that would be the icing on this suck cake.
"ghost go to work" I yelled to the big guy and he took off to open the door for me.
we would have to take the elevator this time but ghost was to having it so I just told the big scaredy cat the take the Stairs he was such a smart boy.
me and ghost made it up at about the same time he was pretty much free to roam the whole 6th floor only pack was up here anyway.
I saw alpha lark thre the large glass door to his office laughing with the other alphas when I saw beta Alexander he was waiting outside the door like a shitty bodyguard.

taking a deep breath I started to walk forward it's like he would try anything with all these people around right?
alpha lark saw me walk up and waved to tell me to just come I'm ghost right behind me.
"the mutt stays outside" the beta growled at me as I went to push open the door.
"oh I'm sorry but hes my guard he's going with me"I spoke with a bit of anger in my voice. the dick head could treat me like shit if he wanted but nobody get to treat my baby that way.
so stepped sideways and ghost went the other way around me and walked into the office when suddenly I was against the wall the coffee I was carrying was now abandoned on the floor, the beta had his hand around my throat I was pinned pulling at his large hands. I could hear screaming that was alpha lark and the other alphas with him,
I saw from the corner of my eye ghost launched himself at the massive man teeth at the ready.

before ghost even got close enough to take a chunk out of beta Alexander he kicked back and my  direwolf flew into the wall and collapsed there.
"Alex drop her now!!" someone screamed at the beta and I was dropped on my ass at his feet.
"yes alpha" replied the dick head,
"go wait in the car now" said the alpha and the jerk left and the crowd dispersed as soon as he was gone the tension in the room rose so high you could cut it with an axe.
I felt like my head was spinning,
"can you talk??" asked alpha lark helping me back on my feet,
"I'm fine get ghost" I worriedly gasped and look towards the wall but to my surprise he was already being tended to buy the most terrifying man I've ever seen.
the monster of a man was scratching ghost behind the ears and ghost was not having it I tried to call out to warn him "wait I wouldn't...."
"chomp" ghost bit down on his hand with great force, but the man's expression never changed he just looked at ghost petting him softly.
"shhh I won't hurt you your master is fine brave beast" ghost continued to growl with his hand in his jaws I saw blood being to drip to the floor.
I ran over and grabbed ghost around the neck,
"Ghost release!!" and he did .
"Ghost we don't bite" I scolded the injured pup,
"I'm fine don't worry about me your bleeding child"the man smiled at me.

he then reached up and touched my face gently.
"the wound doesn't look deep"he said " I'm sorry about the unpleasantness beta Alexander has an anger problem". yeah he sure did, my head was pounding.
"and you are child?"asked the man,
"oh um I'm Samantha I'm alpha larks assistant and receptionist" I started to blush his hand still cradled the side of my face.
"well Samantha the receptionist I ask for your forgivenes" he sounds sincere to me so I nodded,
he stood up with little effort that's when I saw how big this mountain of a person was he had to almost seven feet tall and now that was up close he was very handsome long coal black hair  pulled up into a neat bun ,dark grey eyes and very well built like a damn house and I could see tattoos on his hand and neck he was a damn God.

he started to walk away to continue his meeting and I was surprised alpha lark wasn't right next to me fussing about my injury, that when I look over at him and saw something that shook me alpha lark was afraid very afraid and thats when I realized who his beautiful god like man was, the killer of many feared by all, Alpha Kacy of moon fairy pack.
and he had treated me like a fragile flower something breakable. I was surprised.

Alpha Kacy Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu