Chapter 11 (goodbye freedom)

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Dream's pov

I carried george out the basement after seeing sapnap's lifeless body in the ground,i took him to my room and handcuff one of his arm to the bed frame, i stare at george who was peacefully sleeping 'my george looks so beauftil i will never let anyone hurt you ever again.' I promised to myself before getting closer to george and kissed his forehead gently before leaving the room.

"So what are you gonna do now son?" My dad asked me "i'm gonna take george somewhere far away so they won't find him.i just need to think where." I told my dad and he nodded " you can take him to our old lake house,its 20 hours away from the east cost so they definitely won't find you" my dad suggested "mmhh that sounds like a good idea. And maybe i can get a online job so i won't have to leave george all alone in the house " i told him with a smile " alright son,i'm proud of you for fighting for your lover i'm sure he'll love you soon " he told me before giving me a hug " oh he does,he just doesn't know it yet" "thats my boy".

The next day

Geeorge's pov

I slowly started to wake up with a big head ache till i suddenly remembered everything that happen yesterday,i tried to get up but was stopped by a cuff in my arm "oh good morning george~" a voice behind me greeted,i turn my head to see dream shirtless i would think it was hot but the memory of him killing my friends want me to vomit "d...dream...please let me go..."i plead and tears started to fall on my cheek "oh~my poor george,i can't let you go plus were going on a little roadtrip today~"he informed me but i just started to shake my head and sobbing "no! I don't wanna go! Let me go please!" I tried begging but he didn't listen,only cupped my face before kissing my head "don't worry george you'll love this roadtrip i'll make sure no one can hurt you and no one can help you" dream comforted me with those words before injecting me with something and falling asleep a few minutes later.

Hours later i woke up to the sound of a car driving and i open my eyes to see i was cuffed in a car with dream driving "ah your finally awake my love were still pretty far from our destination but for now just get comfortable while i drive " dream greeted me and put his free hand in my leg,i tried to move my hands but they were but strapped together and cuffed in the headrest so i couldn't reach the door or dream "dream please just let me go i don't wanna be here"i tried begging " uh uh i can't do that george,your way to precious to be let out i need to keep you safe and protected" he told me and i started sobbing "no! You don't own me and i'm not some object for you to display"i screamed at him and tried to kick him " george! Stop that right now or so help me!" Dream demanded but i kept kicking him till he took out a small remote and i started to feel so much pain in my neck making me stop and scream in pain "dream please stop i'm sorry!" I started to beg and sob loudly and luckily he stopped " disobey me again and i will make it 10 times more painful,got it?" Dream ask and i nodded still sobbing "oh my gogy please stop crying i'm only doing whats best for you~" dream tried reasoning with me but i just kept quietly sobbing and looked and the window beside me ' how the hell am i gonna get out of here now?'.

After a few hours of driving we stopped in a motel and dream got out to get a room for us before getting our bags and putting them in our room. While he was busy i tried everything to get out but all of it was useless since it was the middle of the night so i couldn't scream for help and the motel was in the middle of no where so no one was here.

Minutes later dream came back and began to untie the straps " if you try to scream or escape i will turn on the electric shook to the highest setting,so be a good boy for me and stay quite alright?" Dream demanded and i nodded scared i would die so i kept quite on the way to the room.inside the room was pretty simple a small room with an old tv a bathroom and a single twin size bed-wait one bed?! I have to sleep next to a psychopath?!,i started to panic a little till dream tied the strap to the bed frame "there i'll go get us some food and you behave ok?" Dream said with a smile and kissed me in the cheek before leaving.

I knew this was a bad idea but i tried breaking the strap on the bed frame,i tried biting it,pulling it but nothing work till i got the idea to saw the bed frame using the strap till the bed frame snaps,thankfully the bed was wood so it was easier to break.

After a few minutes i almost had it till i heard the door open and i started to panic,i didn't want to get electrocuted again but i also didn't want to stay here with that monster so i started sobbing scared for my life "aaww gogy whats wrong,why are you crying?" Dream soothed me and held my cheek "please don't hurt me i'm sorry..." i tried apologizing and covering myself,at first he was confuse till he saw the almost broken bed frame next to him "tsk tsk tsk oh goergie,you've been such a bad boy but since you apologize i'll let it slip but next time i won't be so kind go it?." I nodded frantically while he took the strap of and put it to the other side of the bed "now let's eat i'm sure you're really hungry since you didn't eat breakfast or lunch."I nodded since i was starving he started feeding me at first i wasn't comfortable with it but it was better than starving.

"Now when we get there were gonna have a few simple rules you will follow do you understand?" Dream ask in a demanding voice,i gulped and nodded "good rule no.1 no escaping of course rule no.2 no going outside without my permission,the lake house is in the middle of the forest with no neighbors so its useless to scream for help plus there's a electric fence. Rule no.3 you will obey to everything i saw or else." Dream told me and started to play with the black remote "got it?" He question and i nodded making him smile " that's a good gogy " dream praised me and hugged me, i lean in the touch not wanting get hurt 'i need to escape fast...' i thought.

Word count:1225

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