Chapter 8 (plan in action part 2)

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Third person pov

It's been 3 days since karl went missing and karl was not having fun,he was tortured countless of times,begged nonstop for dream to let him go but to no avail dream didn't stop.meanwhile sapnap,quakity and bad had been restless on trying to find karl and the cops doing the same but slowly started losing hope saying karl might of ran away,the trio didn't listen though and to their surprise george tagged along which means dream doing the same for his george.

So dream took advantage of this and leading them to dead ends and moving them far away from karl as much as possible.sapnap didn't like this however but he was so desperate of looking for his love,he listened hoping they will find him soon enough.

"Did you guys find anything?..." george asked the trio hoping they could find something but they all shook their heads with tired and sad faces,george sigh and said " maybe we should continue the search tomorrow you guys look tired.." george tried convincing them and quakity and bad didn't want to do it but surprisingly sapnap said " and dream go now if you want george...we'll be out in a minute.." sapnaps voice was cracky and tired wit this george left saying his fair wells anddream following behind him.

"So i guess we should go then huh-" bad was cut of by sapnap saying something that got the other boys attention and hope "i think i know where karl is." Sapnap said and quakity stood up and went closer to sapnap and held both of his shoulders "where? Why didn't you tell us earlier? Is he safe? Will we be able save him?" Quakity started rambling and sapnap held his cheek "i...i don't know but i think his in dream's house..." sapnap told them and sigh " sapnap pls can you stop thinking about dream for now.we can deal with him later for now he have to find karl-" quakity desperately said,sick and tired of sapnaps theory about dream " no! I mean it this time,this time i'm sure dream is behind this." Determination coated sapnaps voice and quakity sat down " explain first on why you think dream has something to do with this." Quakity told him and bad chimed in ' yeah and if his behind this why is he helping us?" Bad asked and sapnap took a deep breath and started explaining " to lead us far away from karl,every time he suggest something its always pointless saying he was just trying to help and every time we try to search for karl near his place and neighborhood he tries to lead us somewhere else and would lie saying his neighborhood is one of the safest place and was no need to look there." Sapnap explained to bad and quakity and they seemed convinced by it and they nodded "that...makes alot of sense but how do we search for karl there i'm pretty sure dream won't let us in."bad asked

Sapnap thought about it for a second before speaking "by distracting him." "And how do we do that?" Quakity asked " well i was thinking one of bad would distract him and george while you and me will break into dreams house and look for karl " sapnap explained and they agreed with the plan "alright tomorrow we'll all meet up here and we'll save karl." Quakity said and they all said their fair wells with sapnap going to his house while bad and quakity go the opposite way to their neighborhood.

Bad's pov

Me and quakity were walking to our neighborhood in comfortable silence when quakity spook " do you think this plan will work?" Quakity asked and it sadden me when he looks at me with tears building up in his eyes " of course you muffin!..karl is a strong man and we'll save him and will keep him safe." I tried to assure him but deep down we both know this wasn't gonna be easy but he nodded none the less and smile with tears streaming down his cheeks " tanks bad.." he thanked me and i smlied while i wipe the tears off his cheek " your welcome you muffinhead " i told him and we continue walking till we suddenly saw a van stop beside the street walk we were in but then a man with a green hoodie and white mask went out the van knocked me and quakity out before either of us could scream.

Hour's later

"Bad! Bad!" Someone called my name and i shoot up and looked around panting,i saw i was in a basement with quakity and KARL! I tried to scream for karl and move but i was tied in a chair with a cloth in my mouth so i started panicking when i looked closely to karl and saw he had scar,marks and bruises all over his body with blood everywhere "his alive bad don't worry..." quakity tried to comfort me while tears were falling down his face,i just started sobbing scared that i will get hurt too.

"Oh well good morning you two " a voice suddenly said and we saw dream with a terrifying smile on him " you monster! What the hell did you do to karl?!" Quakity filled with rage when he saw dream and tried to get out of the chair while i stayed quite still sobbing "aw Q i only taught him a lesson on not to mess with me and now i'm going to do the same thing with you two~" he told us and me and quakity just looked a each other like we just saw a ghost.

A few hour's back before the incident

Dream's pov

Me and george were about to leave the school after talking with the trio when i notice i left my wallet " oh shoot you go ahead george i accidentally left my wallet in the classroom" i told him and ran back inside the school when i got closer i heard voice so i slowed my pace and started listening.

"i...i don't know but i think his in dream's house..." sapnap told them and sigh " sapnap pls can you stop thinking about dream for now.we can deal with him later for now he have to find karl-" quakity desperately said,sick and tired of sapnaps theory about dream " no! I mean it this time,this time i'm sure dream is behind this." Determination coated sapnaps voice and quakity sat down " explain first on why you think dream has something to do with this." Quakity told him and bad chimed in ' yeah and if his behind this why is he helping us?" Bad asked and sapnap took a deep breath and started explaining " to lead us far away from karl,every time he suggest something its always pointless saying he was just trying to help and every time we try to search for karl near his place and neighborhood he tries to lead us somewhere else and would lie saying his neighborhood is one of the safest place and was no need to look there." Sapnap explained to bad and quakity and they seemed convinced by it and they nodded "that...makes alot of sense but how do we search for karl there i'm pretty sure dream won't let us in."bad asked

After listening for a few minutes,i smirked and left 'you really think you can beat me huh?' I thought to myself and took my phone out and called my dad " hey dad i need a favor to asked for" i said with a smirk and took my white mask out and started waiting for my dad near the school. After a few minutes i saw my dad driving a white van and i got in " hey dad thanks for helping me " i thanked him while putting on my mask " no problem son who ever gets in the way of your plan don't be afraid to call me " he told me and started to drive near bad and quakity's neighborhood and we started waiting for them.

After a few minutes we saw bad and quakity walking towards their houses and my dad started to drive towards them and i got off and knock them out before any of them could scream. We made our way home and i took them to the basement and tied them up a chair and put a cloth in their mouth to keep them quite till i heard someone groan and i looked to my left and saw karl waking up "oh well good morning karl i got you a few friends to keep you company" i told him and he looked at me confuse before he looked beside him and saw quakity and bad "w...what did you do to them?! Don't you dare hurt them!!" Karl demanded me and i just started laughing " who do you think you are for telling me what to do huh? Do you want me to get mr.hammer again?" I asked him and he just shook his head frantically " good now keep your mouth shut before i sew that mouth tight" i demanded him and knocked him out.

Word count:1547

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