Chapter1(Hello new school)

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"Dream where are we going?"george said annoyed after walking tiredly for 5 minutes with a blindfold on his eyes,"patients George only a little bit more"dream told George while walking through a place George wasn't sure where,then dream stopped and let go of George's hand "huh?dream where did you go?" "You can take the blindfold of now George...." So George did but what he saw was not what he was expecting,what he saw was terrifying.bodies everywhere...human bodies,dead,rotting.with dream on one knee holding a bouquet of cornflowers."dream what is this?" "It's for you George I hope you like it~"dream said in a voice George could fall for if it wasn't for the terrifying view of corpse in the back.scared george backed away little by little "n-no! What did you do to them! You're crazy!" "Oh but george they were in the way so I got rid of them FOR YOU!!!"


George woke up to the sound of his alarm.he gets up and went inside the bathroom to get ready for his first day of his new school."no mom its ok I can go there myself" george told his mom for the 10th time today "alright but if anything happen just call me ok?" "Ok mom I will" george said his farewells and went to school.

"Hi my names george, I'm 16 and I'm from London I moved here in Florida cause my parents I'm on my way to my new school and I'm nowhere near excited-cause well WE MOVED HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE 3RD SEMESTER-so yeah while everyone has their own friend group ill be at corner alone.not that I'm complaining."

"Alright class settle down.a new student is joining us today! George you may come in now"the teacher,phil told the class,seconds later george walks in and went infront of the class"um hi my names george and uh thats it i guess." "Ok you can go sit next to nick in the back" phil told george with a smile and george sat next to the guy with his hand up."hey the names nick you can call me sapnap.nice to meet you."nick-i mean sapnap said with his hand out to shakes george's hand "uh george nice to meet you too." George said awkwardly and shakes sapnaps hand.


Dream's POV

I woke up and did my daily routine and headed to school.i was sitting in class and the teacher introduced a new student.

""Alright class settle down.a new student is joining us today! George you may come in now"the teacher,phil told the class,seconds later george walks in and went infront of the class"um hi my names george and uh thats it i guess." "Ok you can go sit next to nick in the back" phil told george

I stared at the brunette and this weird feeling i couldn't understand,seeing him sit with sapnap made my blood boil and something me woke up,rage,envy,drive to kill.


At lunch

George and sapnap sat down and started eating with a few new friends that sapnap introduce to George.two brunettes,one raven haired with a Bennie,and their names were Karl,quakity,and thought their names were odd but didn't question it cause he thought they were pretty cool to hangout with.but something felt wrong,discomfort to george like someone was watching him but every time he looks around to cafeteria he doesn't anyone look so he just ignores the feeling and goes back to his friends.

"George are you ok? You look uncomfortable" bad notice George's discomfort so he wanted to make sure george was alright .But instead of telling them what was bothering george he just lied to them that he was fine,and he was just looking around.
they all seem to bought the lie and didn't question him anymore and went back to their conversation and food.


Dreams POV

during lunch i couldn't get my eyes of george everything about him was perfect his eyes,hair,body and his beautiful face.i would give the world just to hear his laugh,voice,giggles.just everything and i would kill anyone and everyone who gets in my way so I'm keeping my eyes on his little friends especially sapnap-"Dream!"my friend screamed,fundy.''uh yeah?"i said awkwardly after being cut of my day dream "i was asking you if you wanna hangout with me and the others later but you were to busy day dreaming!" Fundy said frustrated of me after what turns out of him calling my name 15 times "oh yeah sure what time?" "Well if you were listening earlier you would've known that it was after school.were going to the mall with will,niki,zak" "oh alright ill be there!" I said with a reassuring smile and fundy's face lit up and it looked like he was blushing?-never mind it was probably just the light.


After school

Dream and his friends made their way to the mall and was having lots of fun when suddenly something hi eye,it was george and his friends in the same mall as dream.

Word count:874

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