Larisa: I see. I also came over here because I think it gives me some room to breathe.

Kai: What do you mean by that?

Larisa: The Sword Hero and the Bow Hero mind their own business. It's the Spear Hero, he seems too high of himself. Getting all the attention from the ladies is making him hit on every girl he meets. It's rather annoying.

Kai: *Chuckles* We just met and we already have something in common. Motoyasu acts like he's this great savior, but he's just like the rest of us.

Larisa: When he speaks of his battle in the wave, he just talks about his strength and fighting. It's all about him.

Kai: Good. He can get killed due to his massive ego.

Larisa: You were fighting during Wave too, right?

Kai: Yeah... Why?

Larisa: I would love to hear about it. I've always loved hearing stories when I was a little girl. Go on, tell me everything!

Her face filled with excitement as she sat right next Kai on the ledge.

Kai: When the wave started, I was teleported like the others. In a hillside. I was about to go join them, but I saw a flair fly up and I saw a village in the distance. I went to go help them.

The story progressed and Larisa was really into it. Kai explained how he helped the village of Lute fight the monsters and protected the people. He told her about his skills with a sword and the variety of monsters he slain. But it got better when he talked about defeating the wave boss.

Kai: And then, I climbed up Tamura's side and impaled my sword through his neck. The sky returned to normal as I was able to help the people of Lute before coming here.

Larisa: That's amazing! I can tell that you're different than the other heroes. Unlike them, you care for the people and not glory.

Kai: Yeah. I'd give up fame and glory if I had the chance. I like being a regular person.

Larisa: That was an amazing story. I wish I could've been there to see you in action.

Kai: I'd rather not have you in any danger.

They gave small laughs as Kai continued to tell Larisa more about him. She even began to tell him parts about her. In those moments, Kai felt as if he had a real connection. But life is full of interuptions.

Motoyasu: Kai...

A black glove lands at his feet as they both look over to see Motoyasu standing a few feet away.

Motoyasu: Pick it up. Time to fight.

Kai: Excuse me?

Motoyasu: I heard that while you were fighting in the village of Lute, you forced the villagers to fight to the death. Even threatening the Royal Knights.

Kai: That seems outlandish. What idiot told you that lie?

He looks past Motoyasu and saw Myne standing with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face.

Kai: Of course. Did Myne tell you that?

Larisa: You got this all wrong! Sir Kai didn't force the villagers to do anything. He protected them until the knights came and they evacuated.

Motoyasu: You even lied to Lady Larisa?! How dare you.

???: The Spear Hero is right, sister.

Larisa: Sophie.

Sophie: Whatever he told you is all lies. The Second Sword Hero can't be trusted.

Larisa: How can you say that? Kai is a nice person and a brave Hero. He doesn't boast or brag about his fame and spreads his power around. 

The Lonesome Sword (The Rising of The Shield Hero X OC)Where stories live. Discover now