Ch# 37 Betrayal

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My head was throbbing and the squeaky sound was just making it worse, that was the first sign that I realised what happened.

The room felt like a basement of sorts with a pungent musty smell, a dim light flickering under the staircase which didn't add much apeal to the otherwise dark and empty room. The squeaky sound appeared to be coming from the old motor that was turned on for some reason,
I tried to scream and call out, struggling to be free. My voice was too sore to make a lot of damage, and if there's nothing/no one here to keep me quiet it likely means I'm at a place stranded enough that no one of significance can hear me, the tape around my wrists or legs didn't budge, and the chair was too heavy to be moved to help me out. 
I'm not exactly sure how long have I been here or how much longer I'm going to be kept here.

What I didn't know when I was getting in the car with Nico and before being injected with something, while 2 people were being run over was what a terrible decision it was going to be trusting him enough to follow him out of the house, and that boss infact was not waiting there me.  Which is why I'm here, with a throbbing and drowsy  head, tied to a chair once again with no way to escape and not knowing where I am anymore.

It's still difficult to wrap my head around that this was Nico, one of the only 3 people the ugly guy trusted me with. His own cousin. He's the one who's been betraying him all along, he's the villain behind the exposed secrets and the likely attacks and kidnappings, behind Dom and my dad being missing. I really hope they're okay. And I'm not even sure if the ugly guy knows yet that Nico, is the one who's behind it all, that he's the one that has taken me too. I wonder if he's still trusting him to help find us. Or if it's just Nico or something even worse that's behind all this.

My thoughts were broken into when I heard a door jiggle followed by footsteps,
"Ah I see you're finally awake." Nico chuckle reached me before came to stand infront of me.
"I really don't understand why you're doing this. How could you, your cousin trusted you." I croaked out, my throat still painful.
"And you're never going to. There's nothing I have against you, you're just the unlucky sheep in all of this slaughter, the one who's now actually the most valuable target as it turns out." He replied, he wasn't the same easy going lucky guy. He's lost every inch of respect, and every inch of loyalty he had in him, or maybe he never had any at all. Maybe it was all just a facade.

"What did he ever do to you?!" I asked appalled.
"Wouldn't you like to know." He replied.
"Where's Dom? Is he okay? What are you going to do with us." I asked, what's coming for us next is a mystery.
"Nothing if my dear cousin does exactly as he's supposed to but if he gets... distracted, well, everything it takes, a few casualties are always part of a war. Like I said an unlucky sheep." He replied with a chuckle.
"Dom is just a little child, he loves you. How could you even think about hurting him."  I spat not being able to hold my anger and distraught.
"Nah uh, won't be my fault." He replied before walking away, back upstairs.

I was once alone left with my thoughts, still unaware of what's going to happen and how everthing will turn out now.
A few million years later, another very very unexpected person steps down the stairs.
"Missed me, little one?" Uncle Sam voiced before he became apparent.
"What? You're involved in all of this?" I voiced my thoughts.
"How do you think I manage to get very delicate details to get away?" He replied with a chuckle. His scar glinted in the flickering light.
Before I could see/understand what was happening I was injected with something once again unaware of my surroundings.

Author's Note!
Sorry sorry sorry for the very very very late update, I've been working on this for almost 2 weeks and I know it's not enough!!
But I'm planning Rapheal's pov in the next chapter!! Yay or nay!?!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2022 ⏰

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