"You talk exactly like Sasuke when he was your age," Mum says with a smile. "You know, he would always speak like that to me too."

Her mention of Dad and their past piques my interest. What did Mum see in Dad? What did Dad see in Mum? How did they know they were right for each other? I can't help but wonder if I might find someone like that someday, someone who understands me even when I barely understand myself.

"Hey Mum, can I ask you something?" I say, hesitant but curious.

"Of course, sweetie," she replies, her voice warm and encouraging.

"How did you and Dad, you know, meet?" I ask, trying to sound casual but feeling a tinge of embarrassment. I see a faint blush dust her cheeks, and I realize that the love she has for him is genuine. It's the kind of love that endures through all the challenges they've faced.

"Well, where do I start, that's the question," she says, her smile softening into something more reflective.

"Start from the Academy, if that's where it began," I suggest, hoping to learn more about their journey. It feels strange to ask these questions, but I'm curious about how they found each other and how their bond grew over time.

"Hah. Sasuke was always the star pupil in our class, top of everything. It drove Naruto crazy because Naruto failed the Academy three times. Can you believe that? Naruto—the same guy who couldn't even pass the Academy—ended up becoming the Hokage." My mom's smile grows as she remembers.

I encourage her to continue with a nod.

"All the girls in our class had a crush on Sasuke. Except for Hinata, who had eyes only for Naruto. The rest of us, though, we were head over heels for Sasuke. He was smart, strong, and—let's be honest—really good-looking.

But here's the thing: I didn't just like him because he was talented and handsome. It was more than that. Whenever he got hurt, everyone would say, 'Don't worry, Sasuke. You'll get better.' But I couldn't just brush it off like that. I was genuinely worried about him. Even now, when I hear about what he's up to, I can't help but get a little anxious.

So when we got assigned to Team 7—Naruto, Sasuke, and me—I was thrilled. It was like a dream come true. But during the Chunin Exams, things took a turn. Orochimaru gave Sasuke that curse mark, and everything changed. I did my best to help him through it, but it broke my heart to see him in pain."

"After that, things changed," my mom said, her voice carrying the weight of those turbulent years. "Sasuke was distant, obsessed with revenge, but at the same time, he helped us during the Fourth Great Ninja War. Sure, he tried to kill me—what, three times? But I still cared about him. When the war ended, he disappeared again, off on his own journey, seeking redemption or something. I couldn't just let him wander off alone, so I joined him three years later."

"Wow, that's quite the story," I replied, intrigued. "But did you feel like there was something more, some connection between the two of you?"

My mom paused, glancing at me with a knowing look. "Yeah. I think it's time you understood what really happened," she said, settling into the chair across from me. "In our world, when a person turns fifteen, they get a red string that attaches them to their soulmate. It's invisible to everyone else, but to the two people it's meant for, it's like a lifeline.

"When I saw Sasuke again after those three years, I noticed that our strings were connected. But here's the thing: if someone actively ignores that string, it disappears. Sasuke didn't have a string when I saw him again, which meant he'd chosen to turn his back on it. He was so consumed by his quest for revenge, he didn't want anything to do with that kind of connection."

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