Forty four ~ You make it sound so dramatic.

155 15 1

Days turned to weeks, and the monotony of work and life took the spark from Nyx's soul. Finally, after a few days, she was completely back to her high-quality practice, but her heart wasn't in it. Probably because she left her heart back in Hel. No amount of summoning or begging would make him appear.

To make matters worse, her dad canceled their dinner plans because of work commitments, so she hadn't seen them since her return from Hell.

"Nyx, dear. Your shift is almost up. Do you mind doing the hand-over with Emry?"


Nyx almost dropped the stack of files in her hand as she spun to see the boyish grin. Her heart thudded in her chest as she refrained from throwing herself at him for a bear hug.

Agatha stared between the pair with a smile. "Yes, it has been a long time since Emry has been on the floor. He's been on holiday, if you can believe it. Iceland, was it?"

Emry smiled wide at her and nodded while Nyx choked down a scoff. "Thanks, Agatha. I'll see you Monday."

As the older nurse rounded the corner, Nyx let her laughter escape and tears fall. "What are you doing here?" she whisper-screamed, throwing her arms around him. "What happened?"

Emry's smirk didn't waver as he pulled her into the storage room and leaned against the wall. "Long story short. You made a hell of a mess down there, pun intended."

Heat crept up Nyx's neck as he stared down at her.

He sighed, rolling his eyes. "It's fine, I suppose. Being Regent has its perks. Neo has a claim to the Kingdom because I don't want that responsibility, but I am the figurehead everyone goes to."

"That sounds... fun, I guess?" Nyx said, brows furrowing. "Why, though? Why did Moja call you the true Prince?"

Emry let out a chuckle. "Ah, Moja. My father raised her and her littermates from birth. He was the King before Tunrida's ancestor killed him. I didn't bother fighting for the crown because of my split lineage. I didn't think many would stand behind me."

Nyx sat on a swivel stool and stared attentively. It was the most she had heard him speak.

"And your mother?"

"Some Fae demon. She only cared for me until I was weaned and sent me to my father's Kingdom."

Nyx blinked, her gaze flitting to the auburn locks peeking from his hair cap, then down to his face.
Her fingers absently touched the hairs brushing her neck, and she swallowed.



"What was her name?"

Cogs turned behind the Scout-princes eyes, and his brows rose.

"Cyren," they whispered together.


"How many minutes?" Selene's whine grated Nyx's ears until she almost snapped.

"You've asked me that fifteen times in the last ten minutes, Se. We've got another mile, at least." She wiped the sweat from her brow as Selene muttered about Nyx being 'so grumpy' and only asking ten times, not fifteen.

The forest trail twisted precariously, and she needed to keep focused on avoiding a slip. Selene's complaints were not helping. Although a twisted ankle might be a good thing, then maybe HE would come and check in on me...

Nyx rolled her eyes and huffed, pulling her pack straps tighter. "Look, I'll give you half my sour patch kids if you don't complain again."

The puffing behind her paused, and she snickered as Selene laughed out a "deal."

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