Thirty four ~ Screw you, asshole.

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"Are we there yet?"

"Would you shut up already?" Maeze squinted over a crest in the hill and eased off the accelerator. "It's there."

Nyx couldn't see anything apart from tall trees and muddy earth as Maeze pulled up behind a young oak.

"We'll walk the rest of the way. Micah should be alone, but expect backup," she spoke in a hushed tone, unbuckling both seatbelts and sliding out of the Porsche. Maeze did one last check over her weapons and hummed affirmatively, gesturing for Nyx to follow her. 

They walked along a squelching path until a new housing development rose from the forest line. The buildings looked far more skeletal than anticipated, and a small light flickering in the farthest unit drew Nyx's eyes. "In there," she whispered, pointing dead ahead. "Where's Neo?"

Maeze clicked her tongue and pulled a curved blade into her hand. "He should be here, but he's not responding to me."

"How would he-"

Maeze tapped the blade lightly on her forehead. "In here, genius. Now shut up before we draw attention."

Nyx nodded, swallowing her words and crept along behind Maeze. Her muscled body moved gracefully along the tree line until they were close enough to see inside. Maeze's clenched fists were the only signal something was wrong, and when Nyx pushed past to see into the window frames, she gasped, tears jumping to her eyes and heat bursting in her chest. Maeze's hand shot around her mouth to hold the scream inside as she took in the scene. 

Neo hung suspended from the wall with trident knives jammed into his wrists and ankles, holding him inside a red circle. The painted ring sported many symbols and runes that Micah continued to make with his hand from his position at Neo's side. Nyx realised then the markings were made from Micah's blood, and she nearly gagged.

"It's a demon trap," Maeze whispered into her ear. "He must have known we were coming. You wait here," she grunted. "I'll be back."

"What?" Nyx whisper-shouted. "No freaking way. We'll go in together. If that's a demon trap, you'll need me to break it, right?"

Maeze rolled her eyes but didn't argue as they crept closer, slowly breaking apart to flank either side of the house. Micah seemed unaware of their approach, but a sinking feeling in Nyx's gut had her believing she was being watched.

With a furrowed brow, she tried to discern if Micah was in possession of his fallen soul, but no light flickered above his head. So that tactic won't work.

Instead, she crawled to the wall nearest Neo. He looked dead. His head hung heavy, and his hair covered his face. She spied Maeze across the building and gestured her head at Micah- still intently drawing sigils. 'Distract him,' she mouthed. Maeze bared her teeth in frustration but stood and walked in as if she owned the place.

"Well, well. What have we got here? Hell certainly suits you, Angel face."

Nyx watched as a grin crept up Micah's face, and he spun to face Maeze. "Finally! We've been waiting for you. Don't tell me you left my prize in your tacky automobile." He grinned wider. "Well, if you did, she should be with my Queen by now."

Both Nyx and Maeze's brows raised. "Your Queen? Oh, how the mighty have fallen." Maeze flicked her eyes behind him and took in her King. He showed no indication he could hear her, but when Nyx leaned closer to catch a glimpse of his face, she saw his glowing eyes staring directly at her. She swallowed her fright and crawled closer over a wooden frame. Her body remained behind four stacked toolboxes as Micah moved around the room, gesturing around him. 

"At first, I tried everything to regain my wings. Sacrifices, grovelling, killing," he paused, letting a chuckle echo in the room. "But once I sold my soul, I realised I don't need them. And I don't want them. I still have all my abilities from my time in Heaven, and I can still kill you with a click of my fingers." Nyx held her breath as she crawled closer to Neo. The soft swishing of her pant fabric sent shocks in her chest each time she moved.

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