Thirty nine ~ Did Master bring us a treat?

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"—because I feel like your prisoner! How am I supposed to enjoy myself when I can't even leave this damn floor? I just want to be a nurse, and I'm going to be so shit when I get back, if I ever get back, because I'll have been trapped down here for fuckīng ages! I'm done."

Neo stared as Nyx finished her cabin-feverish outburst and clasped his hands over his hardwood desk. After two weeks, he had hoped she would have gotten over her desire to rescue the scout prince, Emry, but her insistence only increased.

Before he even opened his mouth to reply, she groaned and went off at him again.

"If you don't ask your stupid demons to help me, then I'll go free him by myself. I managed fine jumping through portals, and I'll do it again!"

"I've summoned them already, Nyx. It takes time."

Her fists clenched at her sides and her leg tensed as if she wished to stomp it. "We don't have time! That psycho bitch might be carving him up as we speak, Neo!"

He fought the urge to snap at her and swallowed his frustration. "I can't help you."

Eyes flashing with fury, Nyx spun, wrenched his office door open and slammed it behind her. He didn't need to read her thoughts to know she wasn't returning to their room.

Neo sighed and ran his hands through his hair.

He never expected their cohabitation would be so difficult. Despite many lustful thoughts swirling in their brains, neither acted on them in the two weeks they shared a space. Instead, Nyx's mind appeared to be a flood of concerns about missing work, saving Emry, Maeze and Selene's unexpected coupling and avoiding any intimacy at all.

They hadn't even shared a kiss, and Neo found himself festering over her distance and the uncomfortable tightness of his pants. Finally, growling low in his throat, he stood and left his office, heading for the main castle. A flurry of disgruntled lesser Demons and servants staring at the open castle doors drew his attention, and he shrugged his wings from his shoulders. 

Might as well get a good view. 

He beat his wings and propelled himself skyward to the open roof light above his throne, specifically for that purpose. His feet landed lightly on the stone bricks, and he strode towards his lifesize gargoyles perched along the roof's edge. From his new vantage, he could see and hear Nyx pacing and swearing to herself angrily.

He leaned against his worn sculpture and watched things unfold.

"This is bullshit! Bullshit!" she rasped, walking straight for a sheer drop framing the path to the castle.

You better stop, he thought, staring at her beautiful, furious face. Miraculously she paused just before stepping over the edge and backed away, muttering more harsh words. Neo chuckled as he saw his Legion of Demons swarming up the path a few hundred feet from her rageful form. This ought to be interesting. Perhaps she'll weed out the rest of the traitors.

He pushed himself off the gargoyle and sat beside it, letting his wings stretch and curl around himself.

"Why me?" the small woman wailed beneath him. Her sniffles almost prompted him to swoop down and whisk her away, but she swatted any potential tears before they could fall. The Legion was almost upon her, and a small gasp passed her lips as she spotted them. "What the f—"

Neo's eyes narrowed as he spotted Berrecus and Dhrya leading the horde. Both were particularly quiet for every attempted murder or mutiny during his reign, but their influence made them untouchable. Neo suspected at least one was responsible for the constant rebellions in Tartarus. If he could attain their allegiance, Nyx could get her army.

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