He touched her lip again to remind her to keep quiet.

"We're going to get caught."

Seeing that she was going to behave, he bent down and began rubbing his nose along her jaw and around her neck. Her breath hitched at his touch. Although it was just the caress of his skin against hers, it still made sparks fly.

He was teasing her, making her want him to do more than just these featherlight touches. She wanted him to kiss her neck the way he had that night and she knew what he wanted her to do. She had to give in, although at this point she wasn't sure if she was asking him to stop or do something else.

"P'Payu, release me... please."

Payu was pleased that she had given in so quickly. He raised his head so that his lips were hovering just in front of hers and looked into her eyes, enjoying the pleading look he saw in them.

"I promise not to speak harshly of P'Payu."

Payu continued caressing the bare skin of her neck and felt her tremble beneath him.

"I-I promise not to speak harshly of P'Payu."

Beam gripped the material of his t-shirt and squeezed her eyes shut, a tear finally escaping and running down her cheek. She felt him move closer to her neck and thought that he might do more, but instead, he whispered in her ear.

"Good girl."

Suddenly the door was opened and Beam fell into the hallway. She collapsed onto the floor, her legs too shaky to hold her up at the moment. She watched as he stepped out of the closet seemingly unaffected by what had just occurred. Glancing around she realised that there was no sign of the students and she wondered how long ago they had left.

Payu knelt down beside her and wiped away the residue of the tear from her cheek.

"I told you I was here to collect your debt. I also told you to speak nicely. You didn't listen. It's your fault that I had to play hardball."

"You - You stopped? I thought -"

His lips twitched in amusement.

"That I was going to force myself on you? It's your choice to see it like that. I may not look it, but I'm very particular."

Payu stood up, looming over Beam.

"I'm going. If you don't behave... don't say I didn't warn you. Until next time."

Beam gaped as he watched him walk away.

"Next time? There won't be a next time, you- you- bad senior!"

She tensed after the words left her mouth, wondering if he heard them and if he'd come back to teach her another lesson. Payu didn't come storming back around the corner, but he did smile as heard her words and continued walking away. 

Beam didn't know what was wrong with her. This was so unlike her. She never spoke up like this, but something about Payu caused her blood to boil and her tongue to become loose. Yet, when he got close to her she only wanted to pull him closer and let him do things that she had never done with anybody before.

Leaning back against the wall, she closed her eyes and waited for her body to recover. However, the darkness only helped her remember the feel of Payu's touch. She cursed herself for enjoying it. Now she was hot and sweaty and gross.

'It's your choice to see it like that. I'm very particular.' Is Payu saying that he's not interested in me like that? Then why did he... You're the one who pushed him into a closet. Idiot. He probably thought you were seducing him again and played along.

Beam banged her head against the wall. She wished that she could make Payu feel the same way he made her feel. She wanted to have the upper hand for once.

"Beam! What are you doing on the floor?"


"Are you okay?"

"You're still going to help me right? You promised."

"Er, sure. What exactly am I helping with?"

Beam's smile was one that Sky had never seen on her face before and he started to think that whatever she had planned was a bad idea.


The light was fading on the race track where two motorcycles were speeding around the course. When they were at the finish line they took off their helmets. It was Payu and his friend, Prapai, who was a racer.

"What's got you fired up? You asked me to test out the bike, but with such a skilled mechanic who needs a racer."

"If the racer doesn't shut up then he really will be replaced."

Prapai just grinned and held up his hands.

"We're losing the light."

"I'm not losing anything."

The racer studied his friend who was smiling as he checked his phone. Beam still hadn't replied to Payu's last message. 

"Is this 'ray of light' a cutie?"

Payu looked at his friend, a smile appearing on his lips as he thought about the girl who had managed to capture his attention. No girl had ever done that before and he wondered what it was about this one that made her so different.

"You could say that."

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