Part Three - Chapter One

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As June of 85' strolled around, trips to the Hawkins Community pool had become much more frequent. Billy had started working there alongside Heather, giving Allison more excuses to ask the kids if they wanted to go. With Starcourt Mall's construction being finished, Steve and Allison had found themselves a job alongside Robin at Scoops Ahoy. Whilst Allison had been ecstatic to have Robin around, Steve and the Buckley girl took a week to even get on speaking terms, having held on to previous experiences they had with each other.

Practically every shift was busy, keeping the three occupied for the hours they spent scooping ice cream. The mall had become a hotspot for everyone in town, so going a shift without seeing someone she knew from school was impossible. Heather and Billy had liked to pop in when they got the chance, sometimes still wearing their lifeguard crop tops and bright red shorts, whistle still wrapped around their necks. The job suited Billy immensely, and God, did the uniform make Allison ogle. The Hargrove boy had endlessly teased the brunette for her new sailor's uniform, the white and cobalt blue stripes bright. While Robin had opted for the shorts, Allison remained true to her roots, choosing the blue skirt (the part Billy favored). The sailor's hat hadn't been the most thrilling or flattering piece, but it added a cute touch. The dinner Neil had insisted on had been put on hold, moving to the end of the third week of June, when he had received a work call, leaving Susan and the two teens behind.

Since Heather and Allison didn't see each other due to their new jobs, they decided to sign up for jazzercize, going whenever they both had time. After sweating their asses off, they'd pop in to Scoops Ahoy, where Allison could tease Steve about how nice it was to have a day off after buying a single scoop of bubble gum ice cream, tipping him with an apologetic smile. The brunettes would strut around in their vibrant leotards with matching scrunchies and leg warmers, trying to make the most of the shortened time they had together.

One time, Heather had visited Robin and Allison at Scoops before they closed, ordering a sundae for the three to split in her car, before the trio stayed the night at her home, staying up until 3 am watching horror movies.

Things had been sailing smoothly in the first two weeks of summer, and the brunette was surprised to have such a long-running streak of happiness. It was a blessing, if anything, but things began to slip from her fingers quicker than she anticipated.

June 18th, 1985

Billy's fingers traced circles around Allison's as they laid in his bed, silence filling the darkened room. It had only been the second time that she had been in his home, the first being the day after Neil had left, and Susan was away for work herself. Given that Max was home as well, things were kept PG between the couple. The three just sat out in the living room, watching tv before Max suggested that she could teach the brunette how to skateboard. That had ended in Allison's knees scraped up and gravel imprints on her hands, but she had been a good sport about it, insisting that she didn't want to quit.

Billy had stood off to the side, fighting the urge to take his girlfriend back inside and take care of her bloodied knees, but Allison affirmed she was completely fine. The brunette made it to a point where she could cruise down the street, but definitely couldn't pull off any tricks. She had gotten what she wanted out of the experience though, given Max was a great teacher, and surprisingly patient, so it had been worth it.

Now, it had been almost midnight as the Byers girl and Billy laid in his bed close together, nearly falling asleep in each other's arms before the front door nearly slammed open, startling the two. As Neil's voice boomed from the hallway, demanding his family to come to him, Allison could see the panic in Billy's eyes, even in the darkness. "Shit-" He uttered, standing quickly as he pulled clothes on in a hurry, turning to the brunette wearily staring at him from his bed. He didn't say anything as he tugged her out of the bed, shoving her into his closet as quietly as he could. "Stay in here. No matter what happens, don't come out until I get you." He commanded with dread in his tone, sliding his shuttered closet door shut. The brunette hadn't had a single second to question why she needed to hide, or why he would say 'no matter what happens.'

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