Part Two - Chapter Six

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"You'll never guess what I heard." Heather spoke from the passenger seat as Allison drove her home. "Hm?" The brunette noised, keeping her eyes on the road ahead. "Apparently Steve and Nancy broke up." Heather revealed, looking at herself through a pocket mirror. "Who told you that?"

"Oh, it's all over school. Someone spotted them behind the gymnasium, and the conversation looked pretty heated. Anyway, Steve walked away from her, and she looked super devastated." The curly haired brunette told, glancing over to her best friend. Allison thought for a few seconds, realizing it would make sense based off of Steve's behavior once he returned to the gym. "He looked really sad when he came back from talking to her, but when I asked him if he was okay, he told me he was- he knows I can tell when he's lying and persisted on doing so anyway."

"Well, he did ditch her at Tina's halloween bash." Heather noted. "What?" Allison asked, not aware of anything that went down after her and Billy had left. "Right, you weren't there! So, basically something went down between them in the bathroom, and then he left. Your brother took her home." Heather spoke, inserting a piece of gum into her mouth. "Jonathan?"

"Can Will drive?" Heather sarcastically asked, sending an annoyed look towards the Byers girl. "Of course, it was Jonathan. I thought you knew he was like totally into her." She resumes, smacking her gum as she talks. "Well, I picked up on that, but I had no idea that he took her home." Allison stated, pulling into the Holloway girls' driveway. "I swear. Steve doesn't talk to me, and apparently, neither does my brother. It's like I'm so distant from them these days- both of them don't agree with me wanting to give Billy a chance, and frankly the thought of me moving on. I mean, Jonathan doesn't like Steve, but it's almost as if he'd prefer me to be with him over Billy when I'm one hundred percent sure they haven't had a single conversation alone before."

"Like we agreed, men are bullshit." Heather concluded, unbuckling her seatbelt. "Well, we both really didn't go through with that agreement." Allison noted, receiving a smile and eye roll from Heather. "Christopher was a one-time thing." The brown-eyed girl protested, grabbing her backpack from the backseat. "Famous last words." Allison replied, shooting her a smile. "Yeah, yeah. Love ya always!" Heather exclaimed before shutting the door. "Love you!" Allison shouted back, blowing a kiss to her best friend as she reversed from the driveway.


Once she had gotten home, she found Joyce on the phone, looking somewhat panicked. "What?" Her shaky voice uttered, followed by her hanging up the phone. "Hey mom... is everything... okay?" Allison questioned as she cautiously placed her backpack on one of the sofas. "Get in the car." She replied, quickly walking to and from her room as she clutched on to her car keys, opening the front door. Allison followed after her mom, getting into the green pinto. "What's going on?" Allison worriedly asked, buckling quickly. "Will, he- he told me one of his drawings wasn't from one of his episodes, but the tape from Halloween- it glitched, and the same... shadow thing... was on the screen. It was almost identical, and I know that something's wrong, I can feel it." She rambled with a shaky voice, speeding towards the middle school.

"I thought he was getting better?" Allison stated, clutching onto the car door at Joyce's unsafe driving. "I did too." She replied, tears forming in her eyes. Allison's heart began to race at the thought of Will being in danger again. They had just gotten him back, and everything had seemed to be fine besides the episodes, which Dr. Owens had claimed to be an anniversary event; post-traumatic stress.

"The last episode Will had; how did he describe it?" Allison inquired; she had never been informed of how his visits at Hawkins lab went, and Joyce had cautioned her not to directly ask him about it; it would only bring back the frightful memories and experiences. "He said he felt... frozen, not cold, just- scared. And there was evil- looking at him, and it wanted to hurt everyone else." Joyce voiced, her voice cracking. "Oh my god." Allison muttered, growing angry at the fact that she wasn't being told of any of this. "Mom- How could that possibly be getting better?"

𝐃𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ➪ 𝐬. 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐨𝐧  Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat