Ch. 4 Surprises

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Lena POV

After breakfast, we all split up to go to our classes. First I had Care for Magical Creatures, then double potions and double transfiguration. At dinner, the guys said that they wanted to take us somewhere else to have dinner once we all got there. Though skeptical at first we agreed. Then we all split up so our partners could take us to our separate date spots. "Albus where are we going?!" I asked for the millionth time "You.Will.Seeeee, now come on, we have to get there before it's too late!" He said laughing at my very confused face but we walked a little faster of pace. When we got there I stood in shock; he had brought me to a beach with a picnic already laid out but that wasn't the even best part. Now I understood why he said we had to hurry. The sun was setting and it was the most beautiful thing ever! With the pink and orange sky with a hit of red and blue, it was so gorgeous all I could do was stand there. Albus must have been confused at why I was standing there with my mouth open because he said, "Do you like it? It's too much isn't it, it's ok I can just pack up and we can go in the great hall to eat. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you, I'm so sorry" he said kind of disappointed but as he was rambling he didn't notice me walking over to him and as he pulled out his wand to clean up everything I put my hand on his and pulled him into a very passionate kiss trying to convey just how much I love him. He leaned into the kiss clearly relieved and kissed me back with just as much passion. After a few seconds, I reluctantly pulled away and looked him in the eyes "this is almost as beautiful as you." I said and he laughed. As we ate I started to wonder if this is what all the others were doing and if they were also having a picnic. "What are the others doing do you know?" I asked "they are all also on picnic dates all special to what their partner likes." he answered "Awww you guys are so sweet! I know Liv definitely loves this!" I exclaimed "Really!" he answered, shocked "I know scorp was really nervous about that" "Ya, she may put up this tough exterior but she definitely likes this sort of stuff. Definitely not all the time or anything but as a surprise every once in a while is really special. For most girls in general." I responded " I will definitely let Scorp know," he said "oh but don't tell him it's from me!" I added "shed kill me if she found out I told you" he laughed at that. "I won't"

Liv POV:

Later on, when everyone got back from dinner I was leaning up against the wall in the girl's dormitory talking with all of the girls about each of our dates squealing when they said a pertuarly cute part or 'awwing' at a romantic or sweet one. Scorp had ended up tricking me at first saying that we were going to have a little one-on-one quidditch game to see who was really better because there was an upcoming Slytherin-Gryffindor quidditch match and we made a bet with each other about who was a better quidditch player but it was at a special place, not the Hogwarts quidditch pitch. Though skeptical at first I agreed; however, after 5 minutes of flying, I said 'where are you really taking me? A graveyard to burry me?" he laughed and said "No we are almost there" but after a minute or so I said I could tell he was getting a little nervous so I asked what was wrong but he just brushed it off saying we were gonna be there in about a minute. Sure enough in about a minute and a half, we landed on solid ground but I said that I couldn't see where on solid ground we were because he had blindfolded me and tied a rope to my broom to make sure I was going in there right direction. Once we had hit the solid ground however he said that he was going to apparate us and when we landed again I still didn't hear anything and was super confused but then felt him leading me away and around corners. I then felt a cool breeze and just then realized that I was inside until now. He then took my hands and put them on a stone-like railing and I realized that we were on a balcony now completely convinced that he had tricked me. He then took my blindfold off and I saw the beautiful sunset. I realized that he was taking me on a date that's why he was nervous so I decided to mess with him a bit. Standing there with my mouth open I started to furrow her eyebrows. "You tricked me!" I said he looked really sad and said "I'm sorry but I wanted it to be a surprise." "But you know how I hate surprises!!" I added. He looked super disappointed now probably asking himself how he could have missed that valuable piece of information. "I'm so sorry I completely forgot." he started "I'll go call off our reservation" and as he started to leave I grabbed his hand which made him turn his head and I grabbed his face and kissed him. Pulling away after 2 seconds I said "your so fun to mess with" smiling then laughing at his confused face. "Wait so you're not mad?" he asked "No of course not! I love you so much and this is so beautiful and sweet!" I said smiling then looking at his questionable face I added "come here." And I kissed him this time with all the love and passion I have for him. Finally believing me after that he kissed me back with even more passion and love. "I love you so much don't you ever forget that," I said smiling as we put our foreheads together. Also smiling he said "I love you to Olivia Fernandez. You are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me and I could never and would never imagine myself with someone else." At that last part, I said, "good you better not" and then gave him a quick peck. When telling the girls about my evening I happened to leave out what we did when we got back from the date or fear that Lay wouldn't approve even though I knew she was my best friend and literally set me and her brother up which was a little bit weird but oh well I never would have changed a thing.

Lilys POV:

Since neither I nor Hugo has a partner we decided that we would go to Hogsmeade together and just hang out after dinner. First, we got butterbeers, then we went to the bookstore to get more books because unlike either of my parents and more like my Aunt Hermione, I love to read. After about 30 minutes and seeing that Hugo was really bored there (I couldn't blame him, he had Uncle Ron and Aunt Lav as parents) ...

Hugo POV:

... we went to Honeydukes and she let me pick out 5 pieces. After that, we took a carriage back to Hogwarts and chilled in the tower but when we got there we heard some sounds but quickly realized that one pair got back and so decided to play some wizarding chess in the great hall until we saw the rest get back.

Summary of the other dates: (I didn't write out all of them because I'm trying to get everyone's POV and then start going through casual)

James x Lyra:

They went to France and also ate at a restaurant.

Neon x Rose:

Went to a quidditch game

Thanks so much for reading! I know It may not seem like a lot but it means so much so thanks you guys! :)) Also, this was a really long chapter but it won't always be that way and will most of the time be like the others so don't 

Love - Slitherdor QUEEN09

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