Ch. 2 Pranks

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Scorp POV:

"OI!" a voice said which made us break apart. "Why are you trying to eat my basically sister's face off!!" which made us laugh and made James look bewildered Olivia walked off still laughing a bit starting her patrol.

We finally got to Hogwarts!! Me and the gang (Liv (Olivia), Lay, James, Rose, Neon, and I) sat in a carriage together and talked about how this is our last year and how we need to pull all the best of the best pranks... and we all knew how to call.

Later the sorting finally ended. We got 5 Slytherin, 6 Griffendor, 3 Hufflepuff, and 4 Ravenclaw. As we ate we discussed what classes we had. We discovered that the teachers decided to pair us up with our partners and pair up people that the teachers had betted would get together because they are teachers and have no other scouse of entertainment than to watch the kids squirm and blush or make advances under the table think the teacher didn't see. It's fun for the kids who are already couples to watch as well, especially when they are their friends. A lot of them rat out their friend's crushes to the teachers to have them be put together. I first had Potions with Liv, Adelena, and Albus, then double Transfiguration with Lay, Hugo, and Lily, and finally DADA (defense against the dark arts) (FYI) with Neon, James, and Rose. After that, we all had dinner and then went out for quidditch tryouts. (We all got what we auditioned for) Me and James: seeker, Lay, Liv, Hugo, Albus, and Adelena: chaser, and Neon and Rose: keeper (and much better than her dad) we then all went to bed after taking a shower some culling up with their partners; for example, I was sleeping with liv, lay (much do my dislike) was sleeping with James in the Gryffindor tower, neon was sleeping with rose in Gryffindor tower, and Al (albus) was sleeping with Lena (adlena) in the Slytherin dungeons.

Lyra POV:

I woke up the next morning to a sleeping James. Merlin, he's hot even when he doesn't even try and he's all mine. I lay with my back against his chest for about 10 more minutes before I start to gently stroke his hair brushing it away from his eyes. He slowly wakes up and kisses me. "Morning sweet." he says "Morning babe" I respond. "I'm kinda hungry are you?" I ask "Yea a bit" he responds "well that means that we should probably go downstairs and eat but to do that we have to leave this bed." I say "how brain function early?" he says tiredly. "Practice" I respond "now get up I'm hungry and you know how I get when I'm hungry" with that he shoots up out of bed and throws a white T-shirt on and some sweats while I put on some black ripped jeans, a grey crop top, and some heels. When we got to the great hall we walked over to liv and sat down next to James and gave him a quick peck on the lips before starting our day only today was about to get a lot better cause the mail just arrived. These teachers are going to get one heck of an ending to this year.

Thanks for reading - SlitherdorQUEEN09

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