Ch. 1 Finally

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James POV

As we got on the train we found a compartment and waved to our parents all lovingly acting and looking like we were gonna miss them a lot more than we are. The second that the train pulled away and we couldn't see them anymore we all sighed. "Finally!" I said and I leaned to the side and started kissing my girlfriend. She kissed back but then said "James!" though I could tell she was blushing then Neon spoke up and said "He only did what we were all thinking of doing just quicker" and tried to kiss Rose however she leaned over as if going to then quickly turned her head so he kissed her cheek. He playfully scowled at her and we all laughed so to make up for it she put her head in his lap and allowed him to play with her hair which she doesn't like cause it gets all tangled and is already impossible to brush down and tame. Then Lyra spoke up, she had put her head in my lap. "So what trouble are we going to cause for Minnie?" (That's what they call McGonagle) she asked. "Why do we always have to cause trouble? Why can't we ever have a normal school year?" My brother said "Because dear basically brother-in-law-" Scorp started but got cut off by Lyra saying "Scorp!!" "What!" he asked while everyone chuckled I mean he's not the wrong babe," I said. "Oh really!" she said, "then where's my ring hmmmmm??" Then all the other girlfriends started pestering their boyfriends 'all joking though... right?' I thought 'It's probably best to just ask. "Your all joking right!?" I say with a nervous laugh "No" they all say simultaneously then seeing what must have been a horrified look on my face Lay (that's what I call Lyra) kissed me softly and said, "of course love. I would never want to rush you into anything you are not ready for" "I love you" I said and we started to kiss but then Scorp interrupted us with "Really Lay!! RIGHT in front of me!!" "Siriusly get a compartment you two!!" Neon added then Olivia and Rose smacked their head and said "hush you" then the boys both mumbled stuff like "geez woman" and "so violent" which earned glares from the ladies and caused them to move over to Lay and my side, have me sit with my mates while all three women glared at us. Neon and Scorp looked down while I looked at Lay like, 'what did I do??' Soon enough though we got changed into our Robes and got ready when Minnie called Olivia and Neon to her office.

Olivia's POV:

As we entered the compartment she started to say, "As you know you two are Head boy and girl." when we gave her surprised looks she continued. "Apparently not. You Ms. Fernandez and you Mr.Zabini are head boy and girl. While your friends/cousins are in some cases doing better in school you too are more responsible. Now, there are 32 prefects, 8 in each house 3 from each year going up from 5th. You two will assign how the patrolling of the compartments will go. Have a good last year!" And with that, she left. We gathered up all the prefects and I was happy to see people that I knew. Including, my boyfriend, Lay, and James... James! How in the world he managed to be a prefect I don't know. Anyway, also a few others from other houses. When we finished assigning jobs to the prefect's everyone left Including Neon (Right now it's Olivia's turn to patrol.) except Scorp. "Scorp! What are you doing I have to patrol!" I said while laughing as he

made his way to me and put his hands on my hips. "I missed you" he whined and put a puppy dog face on. I smirked at his antics. He was such a little kid sometimes. "Well," I said, "your gonna have to miss me a little longer." I said and I started to walk away but then someone grabbed me from behind and started tickling me "Apologise!" he said while laughing at me squirming and laughing on the floor. "I- I'm sorry- sorry," I say in between laughs. He then just all of a sudden stops and walks away leaving me on the floor but I immediately get up and go over to him. "Where do you think you're going?!" Then he comes closer and his hot breath sends shivers down my spine. "Away" he whispers right next to my ear leaving me again but I quickly compose myself and walked over to him and kissed his cheek but he turned his head and kissed me. Then- "OI!" a voice said which made us break apart. "Why are you trying to eat my basically sister's face off!!" which made us laugh and made James look bewildered "helloo?" I walked off still laughing a bit starting my patrol.

Thank you for reading!! Don't worry it will start to get interesting soon enough. Do you guys want more graphic stuff between everyone or do you like it cleaner?

Luv yall - SlitherdorQUEEN09

Thank you so much for reading and I hope to do another chapter soon but I have a life to so plz don't pester me!! :) I hope to have another chapter up soon tho.

Luv you! :3 - SlitherdorQUEEN09

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