May I Have This Dance? (GilbertxMean Steve)

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Human AU

Mean Steve is going to be called Steph again like in my last oneshot of them lol

also if you wanna you can play the music at the top, that video is actually what inspired me to write this XD

Edit: I realized that the video doesnt show up for mobile users so I'm putting it here hopefully it works 😭😭

It was a beautiful night.

The stars were shining, music played in the air.

There was a masquerade ball going on in town and everyone had been invited.

People were in their best and fanciest outfits for the event along with a matching mask of course.

They were all either chatting or dancing.

All...except one.

And that person was Gilbert...

He came to the event with all of his roommates and friends but was quickly separated from the others as they went off to do their own thing. A couple of them said that he could join them but he was too worried that he'd be third wheeling or that he would annoy them by just simply being there so he politely declined and went to get some food or stare at the plants since he does talk about them a lot, he even has his own garden back at the house. He watched his friends and everyone else having fun as he ate an appetizer or two. Gilbert sighed, he couldn't help but feel a bit sad. Sure, he's gotten used to being left out or staying on the side in events a lot but it still hurt him a bit.

'I wish I could have fun like them but I don't want to be a bother...' He thought. 'Maybe I should go home early? I'll look really pathetic if I just stand here by myself the entire time...'

"Excuse me..." A voice said out of nowhere, causing Gilbert to jump a bit and quickly look over. There stood a person wearing an outfit with different shades of grey and a bit of gold. He was wearing a mask that had key and lock patterns on it. He noticed how Gilbert reacted and backed up a bit. "Apologies, I didn't mean to startle you...!"

"I-I- uhm-! I-it's okay...!!" Gilbert said after stumbling on his words a bit. "I didn't see y-you there, I was erm- lost in my- my own thoughts." He internally yelled at himself a bit for looking like a fool infront of the man, who just softly smiled at him.

"It's alright, I should've done something else to get your attention instead of speaking to you out of nowhere." He chuckled. "Anyway, I was going to ask- how come you're by yourself?"

"O-oh- well you see I came here with my friends an-and roommates but uh- they...went to do their own I'm just here, alone...eheh..." Gilbert mumbled. He looked down at the ground in embarrassment.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm by myself here too...!" The man said. Gilbert slowly looked back up at him.

"Really? How come?" He asked.

"Well- I didn't really have anybody else to come with me, which I don't mind of course. Besides, its fun to go around and meet new people in events such as these!" The man answered.

"Heh, must be nice..." Gilbert said, looking at everyone else again. "I'm not really good at talking t-to others that much, s-so I can't say the same for me..."

"Well, you're talking to me, so..." The man said. "I'm sure that means you're making a bit of progress." Gilbert nodded in agreement.

"I guess so...!" Gilbert smiled at him, he smiled back. The man then looked out the window, staring at the stars in the sky.

"Since we're both alone..." He said. Gilbert tilted his head a bit. The man suddenly held out his hand towards Gilbert. "May I have this dance~?" The man asked. He winked at Gilbert, who's face slowly turned a bit red.

"H-huh? Are you sure y-you'd want to dance with me? I-I'm not that good of a dancer...!"

"Yes, I'm sure. Besides, its such a beautiful night and it would be a shame to waste a perfectly opportunity to dance, especially with somebody like you~!" Gilbert became more flustered as he said that. It took him a bit to get the confidence to say something.

"Well...I-if you insist then...yes...!" Gilbert grabbed the man's hand. The man smirked and led him to the dance floor. He placed one of Gilbert's hands on his shoulder then held his free hand. He placed his own hand on Gilbert's waist and they both started dancing. Gilbert was a bit nervous at first since he didn't want to mess up and ruin it for the both of them but he eventually relaxed and went with the music.

The two started laughing as they continued dancing. The man even twirled Gilbert around a few times and kept him close. Gilbert couldn't help but stare at his eyes a bit, something about seeing them was...calming. He wasn't sure how long they've been dancing but eventually they both stopped and headed outside to a balcony. The two of them leaned against the edge and looked up at the sky.

"That was fun! I-I'm glad that I was able to dance with you..." Gilbert said. He looked over at the man. "Thanks by the way, I was uhm- actually going to leave the party early b-before you came over... I thought I was just gonna be by myself again like always..." The man looked back and softly smiled at him.

"Well, I'm glad that I was able to change your night for the better~..." He replied. "Now that I think about it, I never really introduced myself, huh?" Gilbert realized that he was right and snickered a bit.

"Pffft- yeah- I didn't do the same either." He replied. "I'm Gilbert!" He said as he jokingly held out his hand to him so that the man could shake it.

"The name's Steph..." The man said as he gently grabbed Gilbert's hand but instead of shaking it he...

He kissed it instead...

Gilbert's face completely turned into a bright shade of red, he wasn't expecting Steph to do that at all. He tried to say something but all that came out were stutters. Steph noticed how flustered Gilbert was and chuckled.

"Are you alright there? Your face is redder than a rose!" He said as he let go of his hand. Gilbert nodded and muttered an 'I'm fine' before quickly looking away to hide his blushing face. Steph was about to say something else but then heard Gilbert's friends calling for him. Gilbert looked over then looked back at Steph.

"Oh- I should probably go over to them- I'll come back as soon as I can!" He said before leaving. He looked around a bit before seeing Lana with a few of the others. Lana looked over at him.

"There you are! We were wondering where you were after we saw you dancing with that guy earlier!" She said. "Who was that anyway? Is he your booooyyyyfrieeeeend?"

"Wh- I- N-no he's not!" Gilbert said.

"Mhm, sureeeeee. I saw how you were looking at him!" Lana said while snickering. "Where is he by the way? I thought he'd at least stay with you for a while longer, I wanted to meet him!"

"He's at the balcony actually! I'll go get him!" Gilbert said before heading back. "S-steph! One of my friends wanted to meet y-" He stopped when he noticed that the balcony was empty. "-you...Oh..." His smile faded a bit until he noticed that his mask was left at the edge. He took a closer look and noticed that a note had been left behind too. He picked them both up and read the note.

The note said 'Call me' with a heart at the end and at the bottom was his phone number. Gilbert's smile slowly returned as he kept the mask close to him and put the note in his pocket.

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