Request-Flower Crowns (Lampnold)

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Requested by space-liz!


Shrignold was in the living room, he was sitting on the couch while making flower crowns since he was in a really good mood today. He hummed a bit as he continued making them. He placed the flower crowns that he finished in a pile next to him.

After a bit, Larry walked downstairs and noticed the butterfly. He tilted his head and walked over to the couch. "Shriggy what are you doing?" He asked. Shrignold jumped a bit when he heard the lamp since he was so focused. Larry noticed this, "Oh- Sorry I didn't mean to scare you-" he apologized. 

Shrignold calmed down a little "It's alright Larry, don't worry about it!" Larry wasn't fully convinced. "Are you sure?" he asked. Shrignold nodded. "Yes I'm sure..." he said while snickering a bit. Larry sighed, he then noticed the pile of flower crowns. "Hm? Are you making flower crowns or something?" Shrignold nodded again. "I'm planning to make more! Care to join me?"

"Oh- uhm- I...I don't really know how to make them so..." He muttered, he seemed a bit embarrassed about it. "Well, I can teach you!" the butterfly offered. "Really?" Shrignold smiled at him. "Why of course!" he says while gesturing Larry to sit down on the couch aswell.

Larry sat next to him, Shrignold placed the flower crown he was working on aside and started making a new one, showing Larry how to make it properly. It took Larry a while but he was able to make a few by himself. Shrignold looked at the flower crowns he made. "These look really good Larry!" Larry smiled at him. "Heh- thanks..." Shrignold smiled back before continuing to work on his flower crown.

As they continued making them, Shrignold started humming again like earlier. Larry heard the butterfly hum and listened, he kinda liked it. As he continued listening to Shrignold hum, he slowly stopped working on his flower crown without noticing. Shrignold looked over and saw that Larry had stopped and was staring at him a bit, he stopped humming. "Larry are you okay?" Shrignold asked. The lamp snapped back to reality and realized what he was doing. "Oh- uhm yeah! I'm fine-" he said before quickly looking back at his flower crown and kept working on it. Larry felt his face heat up a bit, he tried to ignore it. 

It was quiet now and it definitely wasn't the good kind of quiet. Shrignold tried to think of how to make it less awkward. "...What's your favorite flower?" he asked. Larry tried to decide, he never really thought about it. Eventually, he answered the question, "Well- I guess lavender would be my favorite..." he muttered. "How about you? What's yours?" he asked Shrignold. "It's probably obvious but- roses are my favorite..." the butterfly replied. 

When Shrignold went to get more flowers to make another flower crown, he realized that there were no more. "Oh dear- we already ran out of flowers..." he muttered. "Do you want me to get more for you?" Larry asked. Shrignold shook his head. "No no it's fine, I can do that on my own!" he replied. "Hm...Alright then..." Larry muttered, "What should I do with the flower crowns we made?"

"You can give those to the others! I'm sure that they'll like them!" Shrignold said. Larry nodded as he picked up the pile of flower crowns and started looking for the other teachers. Meanwhile, Shrignold got up from the couch and flew out of the house.


Larry was waiting for Shrignold in the living room, he had one more flower crown left but he decided to give it to Shrignold when he comes back. He couldn't help but get a bit worried as he continued waiting. 'Where is he? Did something happen?' he thought as he started pacing back and forth. He tried to calm himself down. He heard the front door open and quickly looked over. Fortunately, Shrignold was there!

Larry quickly ran over to the butterfly and hugged him. Shrignold blushed a bit, he was confused on why Larry hugged him though. Larry realized what he was doing and quickly let go. "Sorry- I didn't mean to do that!" he apologized. Shrignold snickered a little. "It's alright Larry, I'm guessing you got a bit worried...?" Larry nodded "Yeah, you weren't back for a while, so..." he muttered.

"Oh, I couldn't really find that many flowers, but I was able to make one more crown with the ones I found!" Shrignold said. He then took out a flower crown was made out of lavenders! "This is for you!" he said as he put the flower crown on Larry's lampshade. Larry's face slowly turned red. "Uhm thanks Shriggy-! B-but you didn't have to make this for me!" he said, scratching the back of his head a little.

Shrignold noticed how flustered Larry was, he couldn't help but giggle a bit. "I know, but I knew that they were your favorite and these were the only ones I found, so..." he said. Larry smiled at him before putting the leftover flower crown on the butterfly's head. "Huh? Is this an extra from the ones we made earlier?" Shrignold asked. Larry nodded "Yeah, I wanted to give it to you once you came back!" the lamp replied. Shrignold's wings fluttered a bit when Larry said that.

"Thank you..." Shrignold said. "You're welcome!" Larry replied. "The flower crown looks really good on you by the way!" Shrignold's wings fluttered again and he started blushing. "Y-you really think so...?" he asked. "Of course I do!" the lamp exclaimed as he smiled at him. Shrignold couldn't help but blush even more.

Shrignold looked out the window a bit and noticed that it was already dark outside. "U-uhm- it's getting pretty late so we should probably go to bed now!" he said. Larry looked outside the window too. "Oh- you're right-" he muttered. They both headed upstairs to go to their rooms. Before Shrignold could go to his room, Larry spoke up. "It was fun making flower crowns with you today!" he said. "Do you you wanna do that again next time?" Shrignold smiled at him. "I'd love to!"

"Great!" Larry said, "Uh anyway- goodnight Shriggy!" Shrignold waved at Larry as they both started heading to their rooms. When Larry got inside his room he closed the door behind him and started quietly cheering to himself. "Yes yes yes yes yes!"


I hope that you somewhat enjoyed it, sorry if it wasn't that good :^)

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