Request-Breakfast In Bed (Meatlocker)

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Requested by eepoptheperformers!

They are humans in this one :]

Like I said before, I haven't written this stuff in a while so sorry if this is bad lol-

Stanley is the name for Steak Guy and Finn is the name for Fridge btw


It was a bit early in the morning, probably around 8 am. Stanley started waking up and yawned. He sat up and stretched a bit, he looked at his phone to check the time. "...Shoot I overslept-" he muttered. "I need to start making breakfast for everyone else, hopefully I didn't make them wait too long..." He was about to get off the bed until he heard a voice. "Don't worry, I already took care of it!" 

Stanley looked over and saw Finn at the doorway with a tray of food in his hands. "I woke up earlier than usual so I figured that I should cook breakfast and let you get some more rest!" He walked over to Stanley and gave him the tray. "This is for you by the way!" Stanley looked at the food and then looked back at Finn. "Aw, Finn, you didn't have to do this for me..." He muttered while blushing a bit. "You're always taking care of the others, you deserve something nice!" Finn exclaimed. "You take care of them too!" Stanley replied. "Yeah but it feels like you do more. You should take a break!" Finn sat next to him. 

Stanley started eating his food. "This is really good!" He said. Finn smiled at him. "Thanks, I'm glad you like it." Stanley smiled back. "Have you eaten yet?" He asked. "...No-" Finn muttered. "I can eat later though!" Stanley got some of his food and offered it to him. "Stanley it's fine- Besides, that's your food." Finn said. "You need to eat too!" Stanley protested. "But-" Before Finn could even say anything else, Stanley shushed him. "No, go eat." Finn snickered a bit. "Alright, alright!" He started eating too.

After a bit, the both of them finished their food. Finn got up from the bed and took the tray. "I'll go wash these, you keep resting." He said before kissing Stanley on the cheek. Stanley's face turned a bit pink, he kissed him back. "Alright then... Thanks again for the food by the way..." he muttered. "I really appreciated it..." Finn snickered. "You're welcome!" He replied before leaving the room to go downstairs.


I hope you like it! Sorry that it's a bit short, I didn't really have any other ideas for this oneshot ^^"

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