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Books are usually sorted into Middle Grade, Young Adult, New Adult, or Adult. Although the older of us aren't restricted to any specific one of these, books were sorted into these genres to reflect the reader's reading level, worldview & maturity.

Middle Grade (MG): Usually written for 8-12-year-olds. Very light scenes such as hand-holding or small kisses on the cheek. Generally about young individuals who are barely just starting to explore who they are. Pretty much anything that's safe to read for kids. However, this doesn't mean that it can't tackle big subjects such as war. What we mean by this, is nothing too graphic or explicit.

Young Adult (YA): 12-18; aimed at teens. Angst, dealing with peer pressure, friendship, and learning to take responsibility for their actions. Mostly 'coming-of-age' stories.

New Adult (NA): 18-30; individuals who are blossoming into adulthood. They deal with things like social issues and job experiences. More into depth into the topic (and perhaps act) of sex... etc.

Adult: 25+. This one has a close connection to the New Adult category, but is slightly different. Mainly the age; these folk know who they are, but still struggle just like the rest of us. 

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These forums are for the BoTM.


Audience: (Consider the setting, the character's age, the words being used, and the emotions being conveyed).

Brief Summary: 
Tags (5+):

*Fandoms are only required for the writers who want to submit Fanfiction; list all of the fandoms you enjoy/are a part of. So if you're not submitting Fanfiction, leave this out. 

IMPORTANT: In 'Warnings', please specify whether or not it's Mature!

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