Addi's Pov

I laid on my bed and patted my stomach, but Raph didn't follow. "What's wrong?" "Won't I hurt you? I mean I am a lot bigger." I smiled and replied happily, "Nope! If you just lay on my stomach, I don't think you would hurt me. Either way you need to chill out so come on." He sighed and just came over and laid down carefully. Mona and Spike took this as a chance to join so Raph lifted up Spike while Mona just jumped up.

Time Skip

We all relaxed for about an hour and a half before we heard Donnie calling for everyone. I tried to get Raph to move but he really didn't want to. I had to promise him that tonight we could cuddle more and that got him up. We walked down to the garage with the tank and Donnie explained his invention. It would shoot out the webs Big Mama gave us to catch the bugs, Leo would also sit on top of the tank to release carbon dioxide to attract the bugs.

Another Time Skip to the hotel

We caught a lot of the bugs, so we headed back to the hotel to return the bugs to Big Mama. We went into the elevator and a much larger and meaner bell hop was there, I clung onto Raph's arm while Leo made a joke about it being the other guy's day off. Raph didn't seem bothered because he pulled me closer to him. We got to Big Mamas office and noticed it as a lot darker with a lot more webs. "Oh, do the turtles and spikey girl have a gift for Big Mama?" I was offended at the name she called me, but I brushed it off, Raph noticed I didn't care so he answered. "Ozzesquitos!" I noticed that a lot of the worker all of a sudden came around and started to close in. "Oh! And look at that marvelous device you built me!" Donnie got defensive of his invention and brought up the guards. Out of nowhere someone grabbed the bugs and Donnie invention. I got scared again so I went to hold onto Raph, but someone grabbed me.

"Hey what are you doing!" Big Mama chuckled and made sure the guards surrounded the boys. "Oh well, Big Mama needs these bugs for her Battles Nexus to get some new competition. I also have someone who is willing to give Big Mama a lot of help just to have you within their grasp." "Not gonna happen!" Raph butted in but Big Mama cut him off. "Oh no need to worry about you all, you turtles will be my bumbling arena clowns!" I got scared at that point. The boys would be sent into the Battle Nexus as clowns and I would be what, sold!? The boys tripped or something, but Raph realized Leo was gone. Big Mama called a mutant named Gus to hunt after Leo, Gus was some sort of dog mutant. "You two take these future arena clowns to the gates and you take her to the meeting room." Big Mama ordered three different men, two with the boys and one with me.

At first, we all were walking in the same direction, we couldn't fight back because of the cuffs on us. Out of nowhere the guy with me pulled me to a different hallway and I panicked. I tried to pull away but the guy full blown picked me up and carried me to some room that had a large table, chairs, and some sort of cage thing. He put me into the cage and just stood near the door, I was worried for the boys. Leo was who knows where and the other three were possibly stuck in the Battle Nexus as clowns. I didn't know how long I was in the cage but out of nowhere I heard the bug at the door hit the ground and I saw Raph. "Raph!" "Addi! Thank everything you are ok!" Raph got the bars off of the cage and we went to find the others, we found them in Big Mamas office. They were trying to open up a safe to get Donnie's tech and the bugs, but a ball hit Mikeys foot out of nowhere and we heard Big Mama speak.

"Oh no no no we cannot have this! Big Mama only has one rule, which you all broke." Instantly the boys named off random things and she got angry, shooting us with her webs and tying us up. "My rule is no stealing from Big Mama!" Right as she was going to attack, someone crashed through the wall. "And my rule is no stealing from me!" We all looked over and saw a yoki that looked like a goat. "Ah hello Draxum, you really must learn to use the dimbly door." "And you must learn to use real words!" The two yoki went back and forth. "Well will ya look at that, Baron Draxum and guess what they know each other. Who could've seen that coming?" Leo said and Raph just gave him a deadpanned look.
     Leo and Raph started arguing, I noticed Ralph's shell sticking out of the webbing he was in. "Guys! Look at Ralph's shell, his spikes are out so if you stop fighting for three seconds we could get out of here and deal with this whole situation!" I whisper yelled, the looked at me then and Ralph's shell and realized I was right. Everyone got out of the webs and we split up. Draxum went to the roof so Leo, Raph, and me followed while Donnie and Mikey dealt with Big Mama.

     "Hand over the bugs horn head!" Raph yelled as soon as we got to the roof. Draxum got distracted by Raph so Leo used a portal to get the bugs from him. "What?!" "Thanks for the bugs pal!" Leo ran towards Raph with the bugs but Draxum grabbed him and help him over the edge, the bugs rolled over to Raph and me. "Let go of the turtle Draxum!" I yelled at him, I didn't know why but just the aura of this guy being near made me mad. "It seems like we both have something the other wants. Hand over my bugs and I give you the turtle." Leo yelled at Raph to give him the bugs while calling Draxums bluff, with that Draxum dropped Leo off of the roof!

     Without thinking Raph jumped off the roof to follow him. I was going to go after but something grabbed my ankle. "Not so fast you. I recognize you. Your father is someone who messed up my life's work, so I plan to mess up his." "What are you talking about! I never heard of you a day in my life!" "Does not matter anymore. Goodbye little hedge." Draxum threw me off the roof, I panicked and went into a ball and ended up rolling down the side of the building like sonic. "Addi! Are you ok, what happened!?" Raph asked me panicked. "I-I'll tell you later. Let's go find the others."

Time Skip

     We all were back at the lair. Leo, Mikey, and Donnie were in the arcade, I had no idea where Raph was, and I was sitting in my room. "Hey Addi, everything ok? You haven't been acting the same sense Draxum." Raph walked into my room asking. "Raph, Draxum knows my family. My dad ruined his life's work and now he plans on ruining my dads. I thought my dad was dead but maybe he isn't. I don't know what to think right now." Raph didn't reply to what I said, he just laid down and pulled me onto his chest. "It's been a big day. Let's relax and we can figure it out in the morning. That ok?" I just nodded my head, I heard a meow and a squeak. Mona and Spike wanted up so we both picked them up and let them snuggle with us.

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