That is New

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     Me and April continued our day normally, well as normal as it could get after I saw a guy turn into some sort of an animal after getting bit by a bug. Now that I think about it, when the guy changed before I ran, I think I did see fangs or something like that. I really hope that he can't find me again, now it would be so much worse if he did have fangs. 

     I was in the back row of the biology room; April was in the front. We got moved that way after I asked her a question and the teacher caught us talking. I finished my work, and it was the last period of the day, so I was bored. I raised my hand and the teacher waved me over, I walked up to her desk and asked her if I could use the bathroom, she said that she didn't care and that I shouldn't take too long. I nodded my head and walked out of the room. I went to the bathroom and did my business but when I went to walk out, I heard a noise.  I followed it and it led to the doors to the back of the school, I opened the doors after making sure no alarms would go off and followed the noise again. Now it was coming from the alley, I started to get nervous but at this point I couldn't get back into the school, so I pressed forward. 

     I looked around the corner and I saw some big animal going through the garbage, guess they were looking for any leftover school lunch. I was about to turn around and walk away because I did not want to be near some giant hungry animal, but I stepped on a twig and it broke. "Dumbass, that is the most basic way to get caught by something! And I would always get mad when this happened in movies!" I heard the animal behind me sniffing the air, I panicked and jumped into the trash to try and hide my smell and myself. The animal still walked over, and I realized that it was in the same clothes as the man was earlier! "No no no, not him!" I was panicking even more now, his back was turned to me so I went to run into the road, school would end soon so it was no big deal, right? I got ready to run and right as I did, I felt claws grab my shirt. "Well, fuck"

     "Look who I have here, the little bitch that messed up my morning, then my life!" He was snarling. "Well, least your morning seems better! And now you seem to look better too!" I was smiling, trying to be a smartass. Clearly that wasn't the best idea because the man threw me into a wall, and I hit the ground hard. I felt him press me down harder with hid hand (paw?) and laugh. "Well then, karma is a bitch. Just like you." He raised is other clawed hand and was about to bring it down on me. "So, this is how it ends uh? At least I got to piss off one more person by being a smartass.

     All of a sudden, I felt all of the pressure from the man on me get lifted off. It felt easier to breathe now too, I took a deep breath and when I looked around to try and find out why the man let go, I was shocked. I saw the man fighting a turtle? I know my turtles and this one seemed to be a snapping turtle of some sort; I could only see the shell, so I had to guess a alligator snapping turtle. The turtle and man were full blown fighting, clearly the turtle knew how to fight and the man didn't because he was getting his ass beat! I zoned out and watched the fight but when a trashcan almost hit my head, I chose to take cover and hide. 

     After about three minutes I heard cussing and then silence. I peeked my head around to see what happened. The man was gone, and the turtle was just standing there panting. I reached into my pocket to try and see if I had anything to drink and I found my tiny flask I put water into, it was a gift from dad. I took a deep breath and stood up, clearing my throat. "Uh hi? Thank you for your help, uh here! You're panting so I would guess you might be thirsty, there is only water in it!" I had the flask in my hand outstretched to the turtle, he seemed confused. "Um thanks? But aren't you scared of me? I'm a giant snapping turtle who just came out of nowhere and you don't seem scared?" I shrugged my shoulders. "If I find a reason to be scared of you, then I might be. But for now, I see no reason to be scared. You saved me, you don't seem to be hostile, and you aren't trying to hurt me." I motioned for him to take the flask, "Please, drink it. You seem tired from what just happened" He nodded his head and carefully took the flask, then he seemed confused again. "Um this might seem stupid, but how do you open this?" I lightly laughed and showed him where to open it from and after he opened it he drank some of it but not all of it. 

     Now that I could get a closer look at him, I could tell he was a male by his voice and his body shape. He had a red bandana covering his face and head, a sharp tooth showing from his mouth, and bright green eyes. I made a small noise to catch the turtle's attention, he looked at me confused again. "So, I uh, I didn't catch your name?" "Oh! My name is Rapheal, but you can call me Raph. You?" "My name is Addison, but you can call me Addi" He put his hand out for me to shake, I realized he had three fingers. I shook his hand which was much bigger than my own, "I hope we can see each other again" I nodded my head with a smile, then the school bell went off. "Uh, I gotta go, see you around Addi!" He climbed onto the roof, and I saw him jump roof to roof, then he was gone. 

     I walked to the front of the school where I saw April, she ran up to me and hugged me. "Where did you go?" "Why don't we talk about it when we get to where you are going to explain this morning. Then I'll explain where I went" She nodded her head and we started to walk. 

     After a while we walked into a alley and she went over to the sewer drain, oh no. "Please don't tell me we are going in there" "You wanna know what's going on right?" I nodded my head, "Then come on" I groaned a little bit then climbed down. We walked for like twenty minutes then I heard voices. We walked into a house area that seemed to be a old sewer tunnel turned into a home. I looked around and saw three turtles? "Maybe they know Raph?"  I turned towards April and she just smiled at me and the turtles. "Hey guys, I want you to meet someone! This is Addison, or Addi for short" she kind of pushed me forward and I did a awkward little wave.

     "Pleasure to meet you, I am Donatello, but you can call me Donnie" Donnie had on a purple mask with goggles on top. "Hi! I'm Mikey!" Mikey had in a yellow/ orange mask on with spots on his shoulders. "And I am Neon Leon, but you can call me Leo" I chuckled a little bit and I saw Donnie roll his eyes. Leo had on a blue mask with red stripes on his face. It seemed like all of them were different types of turtles, Donnie was a possible softshell because he had something covering his, Mikey could be a box turtle because of his spots and shell shape, and Leo was definitely a red eared slider because of the red stripes. "There is one more of us his name is-" I cut him ff when I saw someone walk through one of the tunnels, "Raph!" His head popped up and he looked at me, "Addi!" "Hold up!" Everyone looked towards Leo, "You two have met?"

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