The Heck?

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     I woke up to my cat making biscuits on my chest, I looked at her and laughed. "Thank you for the wakeup call, Mona" My cats name was Mona Lisa, I named her that because the first time I saw her she was messing with a messed-up copy of Mona Lisa, as in someone tried to copy the picture then threw it out. I got up after she woke me up and got her out of my room so I could change. I put on a red and black flannel, blue jeans, and a pair of black boots. I styled hair and walked out of my room to see Mona sitting on the counter, I also looked around the room and noticed a note on the counter from mom telling me that she won't be home until the next day cuz of work. I sighed then looked at Mona, "Heya girl, you want your breakfast?" She mowed at me and hopped down to her food bowl, I poured her food into the bowl and then out some wet food into it as well. Once Mona was fed, I made myself some eggs and toast then left for school after telling Mona bye. 

     I was on the way to school when I heard something in the alleyway I was passing, it was only 6:30am cuz school starts at 7:00am. I poked my head around the corner of the alley and saw and guy with a blade facing a girl younger than me. I didn't think about what I was doing when I took out a small item from my bag and threw it as hard and I could at the guy, turns out I just threw a little eraser. "Leave her alone jackass!" The man and the girl looked towards me, I motioned for the girl to run so she did. "Shit, you little bitch" The man walked closer to me with his blade in hand, I went to run but he grabbed me by the back of my shirt and threw me back into the alley. I could tell the guy was drunk by his speech so I knew this might not end good. I looked around the alley for anything I could fight with but when I couldn't find anything I started to panic.

     "Realize you should've mind ya own business bitch?" The man was closer to me now and I was backed into a wall, I didn't know what to do. Out of nowhere a little bug came up the man and went in his face, it distracted his but he was swinging the blade so I couldn't run. The bug bit the man and he screamed, I just watched as he fell to the ground and became some sort of an animal. I couldn't even tell what he was supposed to be, I just ran all the way to school.

     When I got there, I saw April on the phone, and she was talking to someone. "What the heck Donnie? You installed a blocker on my phone?" I came up to her but right as I did, she told Donnie, I guessed, that she had to go. I just shook it off and walked up to her panting. "Woah girl, what happened to you?" She looked concerned so I told her everything. "Hold on, you saw someone turn into a mutant? You aren't supposed to see them!" I just stared at her and when she realized what she said she covered her mouth. "April, did you just say that I shouldn't know, as if you do know?" Even though she shook her head, I knew she was lying. The bell rang and she seemed relieved, but just before she walked away, I grabbed her arm. "April, we are not done here. Got it?" I didn't mean to sound threating, but I did. She sighed and nodded her head. "I know where we can talk about it. Only after school though, no more talking about it here, ok?" I nodded my head and let her go, then I went to class.

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