Let's Do This

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Addi's POV

     I heard a knock on the door, and I noticed Raph seemed worried. I sat up but he seemed to still hold onto me, as if someone was gonna take me away from him. "Come in!" Raph spoke out and I saw a short rat come into the room. "Heya pops, this is Addi" Raph said as he let go of me, I waved at the rat man and introduced myself as I got up. "Hello, as Raph said my name is Addi or Addison is my full name. I am guessing you are the boys' father?" I outstretched my hand for him to shake, he shook my hand and introduced himself. "Yes, I am my name is Hamato Yoshi or Splinter." "Uh hey pops, uh is there something you needed?" "Ah yes, I wanted to talk about how your brothers and April said that Addison needed a safe place to live and a space that was safe for her pet?" Now I was nervous, I nodded my head and Splinter hummed. "Hm well then, Red." "Y-yea pops?" Raph was nervous now too it seemed. "Why don't you go with Addison to help her bring her things down here hm? Along with Mona Lisa, or is it Mona?" I was beyond excited but I did answer his question. "It is both, Mona Lisa is her full name because I found her sleeping under a fake Mona Lisa picture when she was a kitten, Mona is her short name. Kind of silly but cute, heh."

     Me, Raph, and Splinter all walked into the kitchen. As soon as everyone saw Splinter, they were worried for what he said. "Boys, while Red takes Addison to go and gather her things, why don't you all set up a space for her to stay. A room of her own, so she has a space of privacy, ok?" I was confused why he had to be so specific about me being on my own in my room, I'll ask Raph later. "Red, you and Addison head out to gather her things. On the way, Addison could you call your mother to let her know what is going on please?" I nodded my head and me and Raph headed out of the area. "Hey Raph, what is this place called?" "Oh? Well it is called the lair, but you can call it home, ok?" He smiled at me, showing his tiny little tooth. I loved how kind he was to anyone, his bright green eyes, his little snaggle tooth, and how careful he was. 

     We went onto the roof of the building closest to the manhole cover we got out of. We sat down and I called my mom, she picked up right before the voice mail started. "Hey mom, I was wondering if it was ok for me to move into Aprils? I know that you have been needing more room and needing to cut down on bills so maybe I could go there until everything is ok?" "Actually honey, do you think that you can stay there? The more room I have the better and the lower bills would be perfect. I have also met a new guy and he doesn't want to live in a house with kids or pets. So I'm happy you called me first, oh shoot, I've got to go honey love you and be sure to visit sometimes ok? Bye bye!" She hung up the call and I had tears in my eyes. She really chose a guy over me and she told me that she would try and wait until I was ready for someone else after dad, it hasn't been that long. Raph heard the whole conversation because I was on speaker. He pulled me into a hug while I completely broke down. "She c-chose a guy o-over m-me, w-who the f-fuck does t-that!" I held onto him and just cried, he rubbed my back and just whispered things to me to try and calm me down. 

     After about ten minutes I finished crying and was calmed down. "Hey, I know it might not help ya a lot, but I promise I will not let anyone else hurt you, ok?" He tilted my head up and put his forehead to mine. I held onto him and almost didn't want to let go, but he pulled away and looked at me. "You still wanna go get the stuff packed up? I can get us there in a fast and fun way, so you aren't thinking about much, ok?" I nodded my head and gave him my address, then he stood up and picked me up, I made a small yelp because I wasn't used to being picked up. He walked over to the edge of the building, and I ended up looking down bad idea. I held onto him tighter and put my face into his neck. He laughed a little and then took a running start after backing up then jumped from one roof to another. He looked down at me then laughed, "Come on, the view is amazing!" "Uh no! I would rather not see death!" "I told you no one was going to hurt you, that includes me! Please just look!" I slowly moved my head out of his neck, and I looked around, he was right it was amazing. I looked up to Raph, he was facing forward while jumping and running. Within minutes we were at my apartment window.

     I opened up the window and instantly heard meowing and hissing. "Woah woah it is ok Mona Lisa. It is ok, just me and a friend ok?" Mona stopped hissing and did a lovey meow and not a 'Imma kill ya bitch' meow. "Come on, we gotta pack up. It is moving time, again." Mona did a sad meow but when she saw Raph she hopped over to him and just walked on his shell and arms, he was frozen. "Omg Raph you can move you know right?" I was laughing and I pulled out my phone to take a picture of this. "Hey it isn't my fault most animals hate me!" I just continued laughing. After a few minutes of sniffing him Mona hopped off and licked his hand then walked away. "Ok, ok I'm alive. Ok, lets get this done before I die of laughing again heh" "Oh? So your worried about dying of laughing uh? Guess imma be a murder then~" "Wha- AH" Raph tackled me and got me to the ground and started tickling me. "Revenge!" "NOO!"

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