Letter for a Friend

46 17 27

Since the stars shine in my eyes,
and their brightness I thought of
You were sitting next to my shoulders,
making animals out of lights

How many times have you cried?
How many times I cried with you?
Like the knot of tears is tied,
of times we shared together.

Not only sorrow,
is what this bond is about
But summer nights and sleepovers,
and a giggle pressed with a pillow

Even fights, that so stupidly start,
are in my heart so close,
And now we laugh on some parts
So rolled up, unecessary was!

I know, you have flashbacks now,
and I know you smile with tears.
I do it while I write this words,
sending hapiness with ink

I love you. And in the end,
I won't make it long.
I just want you to know, my friend
I have written for you this song.

Hello readers!

I felt so nice writing this poem! Something sunny after the last one seems really refreshing ;)
This poem is for my best friend. We've known each other from childhood, and we are still besties. Maybe, I'll show her this one day ><

Vote if you liked it, and put your thoughts in the comments!

Love you,
Oce ♡

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