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Well, this is the second chapter where Keefe asks for advice about proposing to Foster from Biana, Tam, Fitz, and Dex. This isn't gonna be Romantic at all. It's gonna be about Keefe relationships with The Vacker Siblings, and Dexy. I miss the platonic relationships, especially Keefe and Fitz, I really want them to become friends again in Stellerlune.

So this will be Keefe x Biana, Keefe x Dex, and Keefe x Fitz, and Keefe x Tam, but not romantic, all friendly relationships. I love platonic and romantic.

So sorry if you want Sokeefe, but I want to add friendships in here too, because they deserve a chapter. Friendships are the best.

Okay, maybe there will be some Fedex, but that's all, and Tiana, so I did kinda lie to you it not being Romantic, sorry!

Okay, on to the chapter.

Setting: at Everglen.

Keefe's POV

Keefe stood at the glowing golden gate in front of Everglen with Ro, who was sharping her nails with a knife. "I don't know why your so afraid, Hunkyhair?" Ro piped up, "I would just go in there and yell at the top of your lungs that your gonna propose to your little girlfriend. We're all support you."

Keefe took a shaky breath. In. Out. "I....don't know either. I think it's just nerves? I'm gonna tell my friends that I need advice on on proposing to the love of my life. Ro, it's definitely nerves.

Ro rolled her eyes, "you don't sound so sure. And since I'm getting bored standing out here waiting till your head pops off, I'm going to forcibly push you into this glowing gate, and see what happens." Ro smirked. And Keefe didn't have a doubt in his mind that she will do just that.

Keefe took another deep, shaky breath, "fine, but only if you don't make a joke out of this," his voice cracked, "because this isn't a joke. This is going to happen, and I need you to promise me that, if I wimp out, you will be there to torture me into getting back on track, okay?" He knew he was being dramatic, but his emotions were going haywire. Which wasn't really a new thing. His emotions were always haywire.

Ro looked at him, with what looked like tears in her eyes? Huh. That was new for Keefe to see. "My little baby is growing up, "she said in a slightly higher voice, then, being her annoying self, she messed up his hair. "I'm so proud of you Hunkyhair."

As much as Keefe wanted to hug her and thank her, he put on a smirk, "I appreciate your...whatever this un-Ro personality is, but DID YOU JUST MESS UP THE HAIR? Ro, that's an act of betrayal. I thought you were on my side?"

His former bodyguard narrowed her eyes, "my gut tells me that your just stalling, so I can forget about all this 'proposing to Blondie' stuff and let you go on your merry way back to the Shores of Wimpyness, and let you borrow under your covers, sulking."

Keefe opened his mouth to disagree that he wasn't doing that, but....that would be lying. He was absolutely terrified of what Sophie will say.

Keefe took a deep breath. His third if he had it correctly. "Fiiiineeee." He drawled out, "ill-

Before he could finish his sentence, the gates flew open, showing Biana in all her sparkly glory. And by the look on her face, she heard absolutely everything.

She just stared at him for a minute, her eyes going to Ro then slowly towards Keefe. Then she broke out in a wide smile and squealed. "I just knew you were gonna propose to her sometime!! I knew it! Okay, well, me and Linh will definitely be wedding planners. Ooh, wait, no. Not us, I know excellent wedding planners, they're names are Karissa, Coco and Ellie, they're great. And I'll call them and"- (just say all that in Biana fashion, and if you don't recognize the girls names, Karissa is me, Coco is @sugqrluv- and Ellie is @KOTLC2549)

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