Chapter 27 (B2)

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P'Porsche and P'Pete told me everything. On what's happening to Chay when we came back from America.

That he misunderstood what's going on to me and Rrukk, and I also misunderstood everything from them.

I'm such a big fool not listen to him that day, I should let him explain his side, but I didn't.

We wouldn't have broken up that day and we are still happy together now. The only good part is I have a son now. So I think I'm not going to regret it what happened.

I'm so attached to Morocco now, and from the day I said yes to adopting him. I promised to myself that I will give only my attention to him and don't look for someone just to complete the broken piece in me.

Chay is enough, even if he is not with me anymore.

But that change when he came to us giving us the ticket to attend his last concert.

I also misunderstood that, I thought they going to settle down and just leave me hanging like that.

Rrukk also told me that day, the plan they are making, and asked me to become their accomplice.

I really want to go to him and explain to him, but P'Porsche said not to ruin everything. He said to wait for the perfect timing for me and him.

And he said that If I have also plan, just go with the flow what's gonna happen that day, and do it that day too.

So I waited for like half a month, before that day come but it feels like a year.

When he is already on the half of his first song, I walked to the back stage and wait for him there.

I want to stay on my sit watching him there, but I have no time later for my plan.

I took the bouquet that I asked Pon to buy it for me.

I was standing at the back side of the stage watching him sing till he finished his first song.

After that he cried, then one staff told me to give him water and tissue. It's good that he didn't notice me after handling those things.

I know his been crying since he started singing, I can hear it clearly because his voice is a little of shaky. But it doesn't matter, today I can feel it in my hearts every single words he says.

His manager knows everything about me now, and even the staff, like every staff in the concert. Because of the main and minor family collab for this concert he asked just for me.

P'Porsche also threatened me that if I refuse to come, he and my brother are going to hung my head in front of the minor House.

After hearing his last song, my heart beat couldn't stop beating faster.

Because of the lyrics of song hits me hard, like really hard. That I wanted to cry too. But I suppressed and not to continue, because I have also plan after his song.

My nervousness is kicking in, and I thought after singing his gonna say goodbye to them but no.

He grabbed the mic and talked while crying.

"I'm sorry, please come back to me now." he said between sobbing.

Then after that he also knelt in front of everyone.

"Please I'm begging you. Please come back to me. I love you so much. I don't need anyone but you. Crafy please I'm sorry. I can't live without you" he cried again pleading.

My heart is also tearing apart after hearing those words from him.

I'm such an idiot letting him suffer like that this whole time.

I run to him and hug him.

"I'm here now, please enough crying." I whispered calmly to him while caressing his back.

Then he sob again and hug me so tightly that we almost fall on the stage floor.

"I'm sorry" he said with his shaky voice.

"It's okey now and I'm sorry too" I said and now my tears where falling down too.

We stayed like that for a few more minutes before he let me go.

"Please come back to me" he said again and I can see his chin quivering while his tears are falling nonstop.

"I'm always yours" I said and tried to wipe his tears away while smiling at him.

"But you have..."  I put my finger is his lips to prevent him from talking. Cause I know what is he going to say.

"Let's not talk about them for now" I said and hold his both side of his face looking at him intently in the eye.

"Now listen to every word I'm going to say. You are greatest gift that heaven sent me. Because of you, I've learned how to cry, to feel love and to be loved. You are the only person I want in my life. The only person I want to see before I sleep and wake up in the morning. Because I really really love you. And all of my dreams do come true, it is BECAUSE OF YOU. " I told him wholeheartedly while looking at him lovingly.

"Yame" he only answered to me.

"Again that Yame" I told him now I'm sulking like literally sulking. I even push him a little a bit because of that.

"You Are My Everything, that's the meaning of Yame" he said to me smiling.

"How about the Mesy, meyi, maey" I asked confused because I forgot about it.

"It's MeiY, My Everything Is You." and now I'm smiling feeling contented because now I know the meaning of those words.

Nothing to jealous about it anymore, and no more tracking who are they.

Then on the right timing, Pon came with the flower. Because I forgot to get them back again before.

Both of us stand up and I let him sit back again on the chair.

Everyone is cheering and wooing again, but Pon grabbed the microphone.

"Please remain silent, or you want me to break all your neck, so you cannot shout anymore" he said threatened them.

I almost forgot about them.

Then like a que, they stop screaming.

Then Pon look at me and nod like giving me my que.

I set aside my nervousness and kneel down and held Chay's hand and took out the box from my pocket.

"Porchay Kittisawasd will you be my husband and be the other Daddy of Morocco" I asked him staring at him in his eyes.

"No" he said to me seriously.

The end...

Just kidding hahahaha

Okey good night.... Last chapter tomorrow....

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