Chapter 16

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After entering the bathroom, Chay pushed me inside the cubicle.

Since he told me that we are going to the bathroom, my heart couldn't stop beating faster than its normal speed.

And now I don't know what to feel about it, to get excited or nervous.

Why is he doing this to me? I can't even move on to my spot when he lean his face to check on my face.

My eyes went wide when he pulled the zipper of my shirt.

"Chay what are you doing?" I asked him and even cover myself with my hands.

"I just want to check," he said trying to remove my hands.

"I knew it," he exclaimed  after checking my shirt inside.

"What happened to my shirt?" I asked confused while checking my own shirt.

"It's the other way around, are you still sleeping when you change your clothes?" he asked helping me remove my jacket and closed the door of the cubicle.

I didn't answer him, because the truth I'm still sleepy that time.

"You have to hurry up and also clean your face," he told me smiling cheekily.

"What's wrong with my face?" I asked putting my shirt. He is also right that my shirt are in the other way around.

"You still have dried tears on your eyes, and a bed hair too. I don't want my brother to see you like that." he said complaining.

This is embarrassing I said to myself, when I touch the side of my eye and quickly went to the tap to rinse my face.

Then I remember that his brother is not coming.

"He is not coming," I told him.

Then Chay came closer to me helping drying my face.

"How did you know he is not coming?" he asked confused and keep on checking on my face if he dried them properly.

I can't help but to small on Chay's act right now.

"He wants me come instead of him," I told him the truth.

Then he looked me in the eye, and we stayed staring each other for a while.

After a long silence
he opened his mouth to speak, but close them back again.

Maybe he noticed that I've been staring at him, and got concious about so he started looking down at the floor.

Then he took a deep breath and look then finally spoke.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. The truth is I'm not planning on getting revenge on you know. Why do I need to do that?" he said looking down on the floor getting shy after finding out that I'm staring at him intently.

I didn't answer and just look at him and wait till he turn his gaze to me again.

"And thank you for saving me again," he whispered just enough for me to hear then finally looked back at me in the eye again.

"Saving you again?" I repeated then he turn the tap on and put some water on his hand then fix my hair.

I wanted to laugh at him because of his cuteness, one moment his shy, them one moment his kind of brave.

But his actions is melting me inside, and his making my heart go wild.

"Chay," I called him and grabbed his wrist to stop him from what is he doing.

BECAUSE OF YOU - MACAUCHAY Ff [Boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now