The day the Storm hit

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"It was so scary. Suddenly there was a big bang and I could feel that something was wrong with the car. So I pulled over and was freaking out about what to do when someone knocked on my window. Now I'm thinking I'm going to die, but actually it was -"

"A hot guy on a motorcycle that changed your tyre and became your knight in shining armour."


"Beam, you've already told me this three times. Can we change the subject, please?"

"Oh. Sorry, Sky."

Sky was her cousin who upon learning that they were attending the same university had been tasked with looking after Beam. They had always got along pretty well and she was glad to know someone in the big city, but sometimes she worried that he felt like she was an obligation rather than a friend.

"It's okay. I'm glad someone stopped to help you."

He smiled at her to let her know that he wasn't mad and Beam leaned forwards.

"Are you sure you're not jealous that a mysterious, gorgeous guy came to my rescue?"

"Beam! Okay, I might be a little jealous."

The two friends were laughing when their classmate, Ple, approached them.

"Hey, what are you two laughing about?"

"Hello, Ple. Did you need something?"

"It's about the class activity next month. Have you got the senior's forms?"

"Umm... Oh! Yes, I do. I asked P'Payu for them."

Beam was startled when Ple gasped and leaned over Sky's desk.

"You met P'Payu?! How? I thought he already graduated!"

"Who's P'Payu?"

"You don't know him?"

"You haven't heard of P'Payu? The P'Payu."

Beam looked at Sky and Ple who were staring at her in shock. She shook her head.

"P'Payu who?"

Ple excited began to talk about the mysterious senior.

"The one all the professors talk about. Their favourite ever student. He's won lots of awards, but most importantly..."

"Most importantly?"

"P'Payu is extremely handsome!"

Sky took over.

"He was our faculty's president for three years in a row. He got an A on every assignment. He's the best."

"He's the reason I came to this university. My brother's a big admirer of his and told me all about him. P'Payu is super nice as well. The perfect package."

Beam raised her eyebrows. She found it difficult to believe that such a person existed. It sounded too good to be true.

Before they could talk anymore, the teacher interrupted them and they got back to work. However, thoughts of this god-like senior as well as her mysterious saviour consumed Beam's thoughts.

"Why are you two not drinking?"

Beam looked up at the senior sitting opposite her. She was at a department alumni gathering sitting at a table with a girl in the year above her and two male graduates. It was the guy opposite who had spoken.

"I don't drink."

"What about you?"

He nodded his head at Beam.

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