chapter 7

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[Summer holidays]

{Sakuras pov}

"Hey Sakura! Wanna sleepover at my house?" Aoi asked. "Sure... what time should I come over?" I replied. "Whenever you want!"

I packed my bag and went over to Aoi's house. "Sakura!!" Aoi jumped up onto my back, and hugged me tightly. "Hi Hina!" I smiled.

"Hey Sakura do you wanna go swimming? My brother might be in there but we still go in!" Aoi asked while eating a donut. "OK."

We went in Aoi's swimming pool, it's quite big. We raced with Yuta, and played pool games.

"Hey! Yuta!" Aoi shouted, splashing Yuta. "Aoi! Stop it! Or I'll steal all your donuts!" He shouted back, laughing. They kept splashing eachother for five whole minutes.

[Night time]

Once it became night, we went to Aoi's room and watched some anime, we watched stuff like glitter force. (cause Aoi likes it)

[A few hours later]

"Um... Sakura... I only have one bed, and I don't want you to be uncomfortable... so you can take the bed!" Aoi smiled. "No, Hina, it's your bed, you sleep in it. I'll sleep on the floor." "But you're the guest! Hmm... let's just share the bed. It's not like it's weird or anything!" Aoi giggled.

So, we shared the bed, Aoi slept on one side, I slept on the other, Aoi accasionally rolled over next to me, but I didn't mind.

[In the morning]

"Morning, Sakura! Do you wanna have donuts for breakfast?" Aoi said, yawning. I smiled, "No thanks, I'm OK for now."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2022 ⏰

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