chapter 4

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{Kyokos pov}


Everyone is eating together, happily chatting. They're all enjoying their lives, with all their friends. But I... I have no one.

I went to the toilets since there was no room for me."What's a freak like you doing here!" A blonde girl snickered. It was Hiyoko. "I just came here to eat my lunch" I replied.

"Not for long!" She cackled, before grabbing my lunch and throwing it in the toilet. I stood there and watched as she ran out, grinning wickedly.

Why? Why is this happening... to me? What did I do? All my life. I've been suffering, I've been trying my best to impress everyone, to keep to their standards but all I get back, is despair...

Despair that's shattering my hope for this world, hope for this life, hope for love...  Makoto...


"You shouldn't of spied! It is really sketchy! People will think you're a stalker, like Toko!" A voice said, the voice was coming from a person, I couldn't see their face.

A dark shadow covered the speaker's face. They sounded like Makoto, at least I think so... I can no longer recognise his voice.

I couldn't control my body... it was like it was doing everything for me... I felt myself, falling, I was unable to stop my self. I closed my eyes.

[End of flashback]

*huh? Where... where am I? This... this is my classroom, I should get inside, before I am late.* I pushed open the door, and a bucket of cold, sticky slime fell on me. But there was multiple hard objects. "Huh? What's this?" I questioned "have one guess!" A boy smirked
I looked closer. "Are these...? Wait... where's? Where's Kiza-Kizakura!?"

My while body froze, I felt myself unable to move, I was angry, scared, sorrowful... I was an outcast among these people... now I understand, I understand that the students at hopes peak really, truly are monsters...

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