chapter (1)

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This story has:
𝗔𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁, 𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗮, 𝗮𝗯𝘂𝘀𝗲, 𝘀𝘂𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀, 𝘁𝗼𝘅𝗶𝗰-𝗶𝘀𝗵 𝘁𝗺𝗳.

be aware of these in this story.


Drew's diary.

Dear diary,
I've been bullying those music freaks today, seeing them mad and pissed is actually quite fun but. It's not like that.. I don't hate them it's just so annoying seeing them genuinely happy about there talent's when I don't have a talent or passion at all.
But ignore all of that, my friend Jake even if he joins those music freaks he will always be the better one out of those freak, hah. There just jelouse of how handsome and pretty he was.
I mean I would be jelouse to but somehow I can't get mad at him though he always leaves for them every two hours or seconds.
I feel like he chose them over us sometimes but who wouldn't??
I'm not the nicest person in school
Its better then being the bully them actually being bullied
I don't understand why I'm like this. I'm such a failure at this crap,
I'm such a jelouse bastard.
Why can't I just be good at something
My father is right.

After he wrote all of those things on his diary he scanned threw the white paper looking for any misspellings, he then stopped and stared at a line he said on the paper, he realized he just called Jake... 'Handsome and pretty' drew stared at those two words re-reading it over and over again blushing insanely, he sighed to himself shutting his diary lightly, sliding his book under his bed so no one can find it, it was Sunday at the time he questioned all of this emotional only on two words, he didn't understand why he got so heated up and fangirled over it like some 13 year old girl. Drew expressed a disgusted face.

He hated these feelings he kept having about Jake, he was straight.. STRAIGHT. the word 'straight' kept shouting in his head causing him to have a bad headache, he put his hand on his ears and started sobbing silently, his dad didn't let him go out at certain times so his dad often locked him in his room until a time his dad would unlock it,
Drew closed his eyes while his tears falled down his cheek he started screaming into his pillow in pain. It hurts IT HURTS, he couldn't like a man A literal MAN he couldn't.. his dad what would he think?.. he couldn't be a que me makeer he chuckled to himself and started to bang his head on his pillow until he got tired and went back to bed.


It was fully morning, his dad already unlocked the door he got up from his pillow he grabbed a brush and brushed his hair, even if it wasn't school he wanted to look like a good person someone his dad would be proud of at least, he got done with his hair he then got up walking to the mirror he hated how he looked. He looked so doll like so lifeless, he sighed walking downstairs to say breakfast his mom mad. His mom was strict but she would get hit by his father which caused drew. to get into the fights now he also gets abused.

He walks into the kitchen eating his breakfast and of course his parents wasn't there there never there when he goes to school, he looks at the big clock on the wall checking the time he heard his footsteps from the stairs, he side-eyed his dad trying not to make him notice he was staring at him. He wanted to ask his dad about if he supported queers, and gays. Drew knew what he would go drew if he asked his dad that because of how abusive his dad was there's no way in HELL his dad likes lgbtq. So he stayed quiet his dad then got down from the stairs and looked at drew, drew didn't wanna look him in the eye so he continued to eat "hurry up and eat boy." He said as he sighed, drew felt his heart hurt bad. Drew was scared when his dad ever even talks to him or anything. Oh how much that man scared the living fuck out of drew

He nodded hurrying with eating, he got done faster then expected and grabbed His bowl, he was going over and Jake's house, of course his dad didn't care where he vent he wouldn't even go to his own sones funeral. How sad.
Drew put his bowl in the sink going to get his shoes that was next to the front door, he grabbed his shoes putting them on one at a time, drew got done with the shoes and now was going to open the door.. his father touched his shoulder causing drew to freeze in fear "look at me boy I'm your father." He said raising his voice, drew wishes his mom was there but she's usually out drunk at party's because of how much his dad abused them. "YOU HEAR ME? LOOK AT MY FACE." Drew's dad yelled making Drew's heart jump thousands of laps drew then looked at his old man with a nothing ness look. "Say goodbye to your father." Drew's father says balling his fist "g-goodbye father.." he says with a terrified look, stuttering over every word he said.

Drew's dad smirked at him "remember if you ever cry that shows weak, you pathetic child." Drew just stared at the floor his stomach hurted so bad. "yes I know father." Drew was with a polite voice forcing a smile. "Now be gone" he said with a annoyed look, drew opened the door and saw his friends, Henry Liam and Jake waiting for him so they can be over at Jake's. Drew just walked to them "OK LETS GO TO JAKES HOUSE!!" Henry said excited.

Author note: I'm getting tired so I'll continue later

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